Saturday, 30 August 2014

How to have inner peace in daily work and workplace?

Hello and welcome.

My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I am very honored to be here with you today and am also very honored to be a disciple, Worldwide Representative and a Divine Channel of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. He has given an incredible gift to humanity. He has given the Divine Soul Song of love, peace, and harmony to humanity, and he has established the Love Peace Harmony Movement.
Today I'd like to start a period of creating more love, peace and harmony, leading up to World Peace Day on September 21.

I'd like to invite you on a journey of exploration and a task of how to transform ourselves to have, to embody, to be more and in better alignment with the frequencies of love, peace and harmony. How do we do this? Through our thoughts, words and actions.

Daily assessments. I do assessments quite a bit where I talk about it here. I'd like to invite you on this journey of daily assessing how well or not, as the case may be, that's part of the picture, is to increase the awareness when we are not in alignment with love, peace and harmony.

What does it mean to be in alignment? It means do our thoughts promote, produce love, peace and harmony? Our interactions with others, do they have an effect of generating more love, more peace, more harmony? OR do they have other effects which could be varied?

This is how we will commence to embody more love, peace and harmony within ourselves, and then radiating, spreading that to our surroundings to those around us. This is the beginning of having that in our families, with our loved ones, then our workplace, and further and further up to world peace. How about even peace for all universes?

I invite you on this journey. Join me on this journey for the next few days from wherever you watch this video up 'til September 21. Have a wonderful blessed day.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Love melts all blockages in our relationships, especially with our clients.

Master Sha teaches "Love melts all blockages". This fifth and final episode on the mini-series on Relationships, explores the power of the Greatest Love, Da Ai. When we offer love to someone, no matter what, regardless and irrespective of anything, just offer love, so much can transform. 


with love and light,
Master Mirva

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Relationship with ourselves reflects on our relationship with our clients podcast

This fourth episode on the mini-series on Relationships, explores our relationship with ourselves & how this effects our relationship with others. Most people find that when they have more love, compassion and kindness for themselves, they easily show that also to others.

with love and light,
Master Mirva

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The power & significance of forgiveness in client relationships podcast

In this third episode on the mini-series on Relationships, takes one relationship as an example for how to really go deeply into exploring the relationship and how through forgiveness we can transform powerfully and profoundly all kinds of challenges. We do this on the level of the soul first and then the mind and the body will follow.

Master Mirva - My Soul Healing Miracle Journey for daily business 08/03 by Soul Healing Miracle Journey | Spirituality Podcasts

with much love and light,
Master Mirva 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Divine Soul Healing blessing for healing & transforming insecurity - part 4

This is the final in the series of healing and transforming insecurity.  This is the blessing segment. 

all you need to do is receive.  Are you ready?  I am so honoured to serve you. 

Much love and light, 

Master Mirva