Thursday, 10 April 2014

Transform finances and business situations with Divine Power

Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri.

I'm delighted to be with you today. I wanted to share with you about this incredible treasure called Divine Healing Hands. It is a healer and healing transmission. It is literally golden soul hands that we'll receive from the divine.

Many people think that it can be perhaps only used to heal emotional, mental, physical aspects of life. Divine healing hands can absolutely be used to transform our finances, our relationships and any aspect of our business. So if you are a business owner, or you are a business leader, it is incredibly powerful and beneficial to have divine healing hands.

Every day, you can start the day by offering your staff, your team members, partners, colleagues, vendors, suppliers divine healing hands blessings to function, collaborate, coordinate, perform more efficiently, effectively so as to be of better service for everyone. Now, isn't that of value?
You could clear and transform blockages in cash flow. Maybe there's a check that keeps bouncing, there's a payment that just isn't coming through. All of these challenges are due to blockages on the soul, mind or the body. All of these can be transformed by offering, by applying divine healing hands.
Any relationship challenges, negotiation, issues with negotiations are due to relationship challenges which are blockages in the level of the soul, mind, or the body. Body is energy and matter. Mind is the consciousness. Soul of course is the spirit. So all of these can greatly benefit from Divine Healing Hands blessings.

I'd like to offer you a blessing now. You can make a request for your finances, any business project, outcome, situation, relationship challenge that either you have, your colleges, your staff, whoever has. So ask for a blessing, make a request and you can experience what just one time blessing feels like.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and the blessing begins and I will use my soul song as well as my divine healing hands.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This blessing will stay here. Come back, play it again, make a same request or a different request. For complex, challenging situations, you may need several times.

It's not about expecting things to just magically change immediately especially if it's a long standing matter, long standing issue, but keep coming back. My blessing here is to serve you, to keep serving you. Let me know your experience. Let me know the results or the outcome. I would love to hear from you and I would love to serve you further.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva


  1. Hi i would like to take blessing for my relationship with a person i want to marry...please master bless me with divine love ...thanku

    1. Dear Swati,

      Sending you blessings of Divine Love!

      Love and light,
      Master Mirva

  2. Thanku Master I m feeling good after a very long time...thnx to ur divine blessings...
    Pl bless me..And my relationships i need to share more details?
    Ty ty ty

    1. Dear Swati,
      what you want to do is go to the Soul Healing Miracles Chanting Channel., Place a blessings request there. Many many powerful blessings will be offered through there.

      Love and light to you,
      Master Mirva
