Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Understanding karma

Hello. This is Master Mirva.

I last time said I would share some of my stories of karma. What I've learned in this life is that when I had a difficult, or challenging relationship with my mother, in the this lifetime, that it was because of my karma with her. I had a contract with her, a karmic contract to come and learn the specific lessons in this lifetime with her that manifested as these relationship challenges with her. For years, I was suffering emotionally, immensely in my relationship with her. I tried all kinds of healing modalities and help, to heal this relationship.

When I came to realize, I had an a-ha moment. It is because I actually had a karmic contract with her, to fulfill this lifetime, exactly how it was. That I had an experience of acceptance, a realization that it was exactly perfect as it was. That she actually was fulfilling the need that I had on a soul level to learn the lessons that I needed to learn. It had nothing to do with how she was, or how she was not. It was the lessons I needed to learn, that she was serving me with, by doing the things she did, saying the things she did and so forth. This was a huge relief for me, when I realized this. In that moment, I was able to completely forgive her, as well as love her and appreciate her, as the mother I had in this lifetime.

It was beautiful. For me, it was beautiful. My relationship with her changed instantly. This doesn't mean that my ancestral tree, through all the mothers I had in all of my lifetimes, or all the fathers I had, in all of my lifetimes, wouldn't have affected my current life by their negative karma. Their negative karma would be all the thoughts, actions and even through their speech, the negative impact they had on other souls. In Master Sha's teaching, the whole ancestral karma is the ancestral trees on maternal and paternal side, that affects our current life and how successful we are in all aspects of our life.

Success being, do we have good health, good relationships, good business, good career, family that is loving and kind and more. This is how karma affects and manifests in our lives. I have received many karma cleansing services through Master Sha who is a chosen authority on Mother Earth, to be able to deliver this service from the divine. He's the vehicle and the vessel that delivers the service. It is the divine that offers his forgiveness to us. We are released instantly. Literally in a matter of seconds, from these karmic lessons. This is most profound and miraculous, that this can happen for us, through this most incredible service. I feel incredibly blessed that I have met Master Sha and have been able to receive these services, in order to relieve the challenges I have had in this lifetime.

That's my story and experience that I wanted to share with you today. I'd like to now offer you a blessing, so you too can have those insights. Ah ha moments to understand how karma affects your life. How it manifests, so you can resolve those lessons and prosper and excel in your life. To receive this blessing, sit up straight, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Breathe out and relax. Open your heart, soul, mind and body, to receive this blessing. To understand and realize the affects of karma in your life, in your relationships, health, finances, business, work, career and more.

Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you the divine, for blessing us.

I look forward to hearing from you about your insights, reflections, and experiences. I'm honored to be here for you and to serve you. Have a beautiful, blessed day.

Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva


  1. Thank you Master Mirva for sharing your deep and heart touching insights about karma and relationships. I appreciate your teaching on the benefits of karma cleanses. Love Shirley Muzzatti

    1. Dear Shirley,

      Thank you for your kind words and love!
      Much love and light,

      Master Mirva
