Saturday, 28 December 2013

Karma as a leader & how we impact others.

Hello.  This is Master Mirva. 

I wish to share with you an experience of how karma affected my life, in this lifetime, due to my mistakes as a leader in other lifetimes.  Many people are leaders in their work, in their companies, at different levels.  Most of us who are leaders at this time have been in leadership positions or leaders in other lifetimes as well.  The challenges we have in leadership, in making decisions, facing relationship challenges, and all kinds of challenges that relate to our work, relate to our leadership position, our leadership tasks, are to do with karma. 

This could be karma, where we have made wrong decisions or decisions that have cost consequences that have been negative to other people.  Maybe other people have been hurt or harmed, consciously or unconsciously, by the decisions we have made.  We’ve all made mistakes, whether we are aware or not.  Sometimes they are conscious; sometimes they are unconscious.  In my experience, one time fairly recently, in this year in 2013, in November, I had experience where one morning I simply woke up, not wanting to get up.  Not wanting to wake up.

I got out of bed and all I could think of was, “How can I just slip back in there where I came from?”  I couldn't understand this feeling.  I said to myself, “What is wrong with you?  You are not sick!  There is nothing wrong with you physically!”  I literally looked at myself.  “There’s nothing wrong with you.  Get up!  Get dressed and go to work!”  I had lots of work to do that day, yet I couldn't.  I went back to bed.  I went back to sleep and I slept for a few more hours.  Finally, I did get up.  But I was still feeling the same.  Just as a bad!

I received a karma reading and this reading was to do with mistakes I have made in other lifetimes that impacted other people’s soul journey.  Me as a leader in another lifetime or lifetimes, I had made mistakes in the decisions I had made.  It doesn't matter whether I can recognize that now, whether I can make sense of it.  Of course, I couldn't.  I don’t know what the events were physically in this lifetime.  I don’t have a memory of them specifically.  Because I had a karma reading that detailed that this was the cause of this feeling, this was very intense and very, very powerful.  I received help.  I received Divine karma cleansing services from Master Sha that cleared this karma from my soul journey that was now giving me the consequences, the suffering in my life. 

Basically Master Sha’s teaching is what we suffer in this lifetime is the kind of suffering we have caused to others, in other lifetimes.  I've come to deeply realize this.  I've had several insights into karma, how it manifests, how it affects and impacts my life today in this lifetime, as well as the deeper meaning of what I may have caused to other people.  I do not need to worry about that.  You know, what it was, what I said or what I did?  That does not help me to go forward.  I can, of course, self-clear, do forgiveness practice. 

However, the fast track, the fast way is what I received, which was divine forgiveness for this poor leadership (the suffering I had caused in my other lifetimes to other people), through divine karma cleansing that is the service that Master Sha offers.  I received this service on that day, and my intense feelings of heaviness, headache (I had an intense headache that nothing worked or helped); all of this released, and I was relieved from, in a matter of few seconds.  It took me a few hours to rest and balance and harmonize all aspects of my being, as it resolved.  It was nothing short of miraculous, how something this severe could have such a sudden onset of this feeling, deep, deep feeling of negativity, heaviness, not wanting to basically function, was so quickly removed, released and transformed.

I am incredibly grateful for this service, the healing I have received, as well as the learning on the inside I have received from having a reading, a soul reading which is also a service that is available to us.  I’m very grateful and I want to share this with you as you might also learn from this, my experience.  I’m very honored to serve.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you. 

With love and light,
Master Mirva


  1. Very enlightening as always. It could be my phone but I have trouble hearing you even with the volume at maximum.

    1. Thank you Luc!
      I am sorry you have difficulties in hearing the volume.

  2. Thank you and all the other Masters for your past divine service for the 24/7 chanting Master Mirva.

    1. Dear Michael,

      so glad you have enjoyed the chanting. It is an honour and a privilege for all of us to serve!

      Much love and light to you,
      Master Mirva
