Monday, 23 December 2013

How to transform everything with Love Peace and Harmony?

Hello.  This is Master Mirva.  Today, I want to introduce you to a beautiful CD, a piece of music or a song that began to transform my life.  It is called the "Divine Soul Song of Love, Peace, and Harmony."  This is what it looks like.  Why is it so significant?  It is because it carries divine frequency and divine vibration.  Master Sha received it from the Divine.
Divine frequency and vibration means divine love, divine forgiveness, divine compassion, and divine light.  It's unlike any other piece of music, any other piece CD, any other song.  It is most powerful a healing tool.  The way you can apply this for your daily life is you can of course do practice whether you can sing it out loud or you can hum it, or you can simply sing it silently.
If I think of some of you who sit in an office environment, perhaps in a retail environment where there's lots of other people and it's not okay to play music out loud because everyone has got different opinions and likes and dislikes, et cetera, what you can do is you can play this.  Even if it's totally with the sound off, what happens is the frequency and vibration are still there.  They will continue to transform the frequency and the vibration of you, the environment where you play it and all those who are or who come to even pass through that physical environment.  They will notice the difference.  They may not know what it is, but this will affect their and everyone's frequency and vibration.
That is how you can also help to transform situations.  You can ask this divine soul song to offer you blessings, to bless you all, those around you, always say as appropriate, that way you let the Divine decide what is appropriate.  Play it for 15 minutes.  Better play it 24/7 so you'll receive constant transformation, constant blessings.  Try it and let me know how you gone.  I'm happy to walk you through further advice and test.  Try it first.  Thank you so much.
Love you, love you, love you.  Thank you, thank you, thank …
Share your experiences from using this Divine Soul song or this CD.
Much love and light,
Master Mirva

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