Friday, 27 December 2013

The Heart is the King!

The Heart is the king of organs. It is in charge of all organs in the body. Leadership without heart is act of mind and the will. In Chinese teachings, the heart houses the mind.  This brings great significance to heart from many aspects.  

This is a story of my heart, its purification process and Divine blessings I received. They transformed not only my physical heart but also my consciousness as a result. 

Hello. This is Master Mirva.

I said earlier that I would share some of my experiences with Karma. So far I’ve shared some of the teachings and now I wanted to share of my own experiences.

In August this year, 2013, I received a Karma reading that there was something wrong with my heart. I went to the Doctor. I was not in pain at all. I was completely unaware there was anything wrong with my heart. I actually had pain in my abdomen. The Doctor sent me for tests, all kinds. There was absolutely nothing wrong in my abdomen medically.

However, there was something wrong with my heart. The ECR came through showing that I’d had a heart attack. The Doctor completely out ruled this. He said, “You are perfectly healthy. There’s nothing wrong with you. I need you to go the cardiologist. You want to have this proven that this is not true so it’s not in your records.” He said, “If you were 30 years older I would believe this test.”

Personally I didn’t even want to go because I thought well if I haven’t had one why should I go to the cardiologist. I spent two hours at the cardiologist. She received the same result. She also had an ultrasound of my heart that showed my heart was perfectly healthy and in very good condition. She put me back on the treadmill. She moved the wires, etc., tried to get a different reading. Yet, the reading of the test was still the same. She ended up ruling this out. She even came and had a second ultrasound and looked at my heart under the monitor herself, as she wanted to have a particular picture taken.

She concluded I had not had a heart attack and that my heart in her words was perfectly healthy and beautiful. I spoke to a friend who is a surgeon. I said, “How does this happen.” I said, “What I think has happened is that I have had this mild heart attack, but I had received a Divine Karma Cleansing. I had received new heart treasures from Master Sha, a Divine Heart. I had a Divine Soul of a Heart, Divine Mind, which is the consciousness of the heart and Divine Energy and Matter. Instantly when I was at the cardiologist office and we were having this conversation, this is what I realized had happened.

My friend the surgeon concluded, he said, “That there is still a little bit left, the memory of the damage is there. That is why the graphs still showed as if I had a heart attack.” But because of the Divine Services, the Karma Cleansing and the soul mind body transplants I had received for my heart and because I had practiced it daily; these helped the heart to be completely so well and recovered that the ultrasound showed that I had a perfectly healthy, vibrant heart. This is all because of Divine Karma Cleaning and the Divine Healing Services I received from Master Sha.

I consider this personally my very own Soul Healing Miracle experience. I am a deeply, deeply grateful to the Divine and to Master Sha and the Tao and the Source that he is a servant and a vehicle and vessel for.

My deepest gratitude,

Master Mirva

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