This weekend, I was part of a
workshop called The Tao of
Daily Living where different
teachers cover different topics. I was honored to talk about the Tao of daily
business. How would these topics go together?
My teacher, Master Sha, teaches
that the Tao is the Source, the Creator. Tao is the Universal Laws and
Universal Principles. Therefore, inherently Tao is the way of all life. One of the key universal laws Master
Sha delivers is the universal law of yin and yang.
As one of his business team members and students and disciples, I have learned a lot from Master Sha about business. How he does everything in alignment with the Tao, with the source. The Tao divides into yin and yang. The yin being the more feminine, yielding, quiet nature and element. Yang being the overt, active, very overtly engaging, dynamic aspect of life. These suggest very few words to create some description and distinction between the two forces, two elements, two principles.
What many people do not realize
that since the yin and yang concepts are universal law, that absolutely every
aspect of life can be categorized either yin or yang, including our
daily business. Our company has aspects and elements that either more yin or
more yang. Nothing is ever either or because within the yin there is yang and
within the yang there is yin. If you know the yin-yang symbol, the black and
white symbol, you know it from the picture. If you don't know the picture,
that's okay. You just can hear that within
one there is the other also. It is not exclusive by nature.
How we apply this into our
business and how we can benefit from this universal law of understanding it or
having any concept of it is that we can analyze our business. We can assess our
business and understand that, for example, business planning can be more yin in
nature. The execution of the plan is more yang in nature because it's
outworking, reaching out, going out, engaging in the world.
You could say marketing is more
yang because it's very similar in nature and you could say customer service is
more yin. These are very gross categorizations on a very high level. Even in
marketing, within marketing there is yin and there is yang, depends how you look at it and how you break it down.
I invite you to think about for
your daily business what is more yin and what is more yang?
Why is this meaningful?
This is for you. I invite you to self-assess.
What are the aspects that come to you more
naturally, more easily? What do you like better is a good indicator. What is it
that you feel perhaps that you prefer somebody else would do or you feel you just don't really know how to
do it or just doesn't flow as easily so it doesn't come as well as the other
These are the things to assess, reflect and identify. In this way, you can
start to look at which aspect of your business flow well and flourish and where are, perhaps, the
development opportunities for you. Today, this is just some food
for thought and we'll continue further and more next time.
Love you, love you, love you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With much love and light,
Master Mirva