Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Appreciation - How does it make a difference?

"Appreciate everything you have and 
have always had and have received from heaven, 
the Divine and the Tao. 
Appreciate absolutely everything.  
See its true nature. 
See beyond words, see beyond the obvious, see the true nature of all things." 

Hello everyone.

This is Master Mirva.

I'm so appreciative today of being a Divine Channel, Worldwide Representative and disciple of Dr. and Master Sha. I appreciate very much, being here with each of you in Australia.

This is the second week of our six-week, so focus on completing the year. This week, we focus on appreciation. The message is quite deep. For us to see beyond the obvious. To see beyond looks, words, sounds. To see the deeper meaning, the purpose, the teaching that is available to us. That is being provided to us by the soul world, by our own soul, heaven and more. Can we see that, in perhaps, a situation? In another person? In that interaction. In that email we receive, but may not in the first instance, feel nice, loving, kind, and more. Can we see beyond and appreciate it anyhow? Can we appreciate absolutely everything and anything with no conditions, and therefore, open our hearts and grow exponentially?

Just focusing on appreciation can generate incredible growth, expansion, and clear, release, heal, so many aspects of our soul, heart, mind and body.

I'd like to offer you now a blessing, to clear whatever is in the way of you opening your heart and soul fully, for appreciation. For being able to appreciate every soul, more, more fully, more unconditionally, whatever applies to you.
If you'd like to receive the blessing, take a deep breath in. Ahh, relax on the out breath. Bring your focus internal by closing your eyes. Fully open your heart and soul, to receive this blessing as it is appropriate for you at this time, for your highest divine good. Just relax, keeping your eyes closed, and receive.

                [Tao Song blessing.]

Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Master Sha. Thank you Divine and Tao I am so grateful, and so much appreciate the opportunity to serve you, and being able to and allowed to serve you, through the Divine and Tao, because of my teacher, Master Sha.

I appreciate each of the Divine Channels in Australia. All the Divine Channels in training. All of the Divine Healers, and I appreciate each of you.

Love you. Love you. Love you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.     

With greatest love and light,

Master Mirva 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Better servant

Today I am a better servant for you. How? My teacher granted me the most precious honour of certifying me as Tao Calligraphy Soul Healer.  

This is a form of Soul Healing through "Writing Power" with this unique Yi Bi Zi style of ancient calligraphy writing and healing.  The Healing power is incredible!

I am so very excited to have been able to be certified.  It is certainly not something I ever imagined for myself. So for me, its a Tao Healing Miracle. 

I am honoured to be able to serve you better. I am honoured to serve you with this highest available healing form and power. 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and soul to my teacher, Dr. and Master Sha!

The journey as your student and disciple is most amazing and totally unimaginable! 

Thank you thank you thank you!
Love you love you love you!

With my greatest love and deepest gratitude,

Master Mirva 

PS. I'd love to hear any experiences you have had with sacred Tao Source calligraphy healing. 

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Would you like to reduce the stress and pressure this year from the year end build up?

Here is a personal invitation to join in on the Forgiveness theme and
 receive a blessing from Master Mirva for clearing any blockages that might be in the way.

Dear Friends,

For those especially on a spiritual journey, and for everyone, the last few weeks of the year are most significant, for closing the year and preparing oneself for the new year to come. 

The purpose of these last 6 weeks is to clear and release all that the year has been about. You can gain deep insight and realise the true nature of your journey. Open your heart and soul to love, to serve, to help others be happier and healthier. 

For each week, I am inviting you to join me for a specific focus for a deeper perspective and work. This week's focus is on Forgiveness. Then followed by:
Internal Reflection.

All finally culminating into the year end retreat on "Compassionate Journey of Empowerment through Self Love". 

The message for this week is:
Offer the deepest of forgiveness to all souls, to release them, to free them, to release them from all bonds, so as to free all souls. For yourself, most of all ask for forgiveness from heaven, the Divine and the Tao. Release everything. Open your heart and embrace the opportunity to receive forgiveness and be released."

Contemplate and meditate with this. Practice with this.
Share your insights and experience to serve others. I'd love to hear from you.

with greatest love and light, 

Master Mirva 

Friday, 13 November 2015

How to transform negativity in your life?

Hello everyone,

This is Master Mirva. I'm delighted to be here with you today. I'd like to talk about an ancient teaching. Old and sacred wisdom with one piece added by my teacher, Dr. and Master Sha. Remember the three monkeys? See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Yes.

How does this relate to our daily business? In a great deal, because we can leak out a lot of energy and it can be very negative. I'd like to invite us on a journey where in 4 episodes we look at these patterns perhaps. The part that Master Sha has introduced is “think no evil”. Evil means anything negative. Seeing negative, hearing negativity, speaking negatively, or even thinking negatively about everything and anything. Ourselves, other people, places, situations, work, tasks, projects, and many, many more things. Literally everything and anything.

You may be thinking, "Is it possible? There's always something negative. There's good and bad in life; what is the significance of this?" There is great significance. There's spiritual significance as well as the physical significance. There is a link, and all of this can make a great difference in how well our life is flowing. Are we flourishing? Do we have challenges? Are we struggling? The next 4 sessions, we will look at this one by one.

I invite you now to just pause for a moment, and think to yourself; have you ever paid attention to this? Is it something you pay attention to a lot? Is it perhaps that you're trying to be positive, yet it is challenging? Just check for a moment what is true for you. No judgment; just pause and be truthful. Be sincere and honest, just with yourself. What is true for you? Be willing and open to join me on this journey of exploration.

Here is a blessing, a spiritual blessing, for you to open your heart, expand your awareness and consciousness around this. When you are ready to take this journey with me, all you need to do now is close your eyes, take a deep breath in, relax. Fully open your heart and soul to receive this blessing for you at this time, for this purpose.

Hao. Hao. Hao.  thank you, thank you, thank you. Hao means perfect, get well. It's like an affirmation at the end.

I would love to hear from you. What are the thoughts or responses this awakens within you? I look forward to taking this journey with you.

Love you, love you, love you; thank you, thank you, thank you.

With much love and light,

Master Mirva