Thursday, 19 September 2013

How to join the work world as one

This is Master Mirva. I had an inspiration today. I was speaking to somebody on the phone and they were reflecting on the concepts of my blog, the basic foundation of my blog. Really what I wanted to share today was the first thing to start merging the business world, or the working life and the spiritual life, is to stop thinking that they are separate. It has to start with the mind that we start to bring them together in our thinking. 

If you think about the physical life, the working life is the physical world. The spiritual life, the spiritual world, the soul world is another aspect. If you think about the Yin and Yang symbol, the spiritual life, spiritual world is the Yin aspect. The physical life, physical world is the Yang aspect. In the teachings of the Yin and Yang, it's a universal law that Master Sha teaches as well. Every aspect of life has a Yin and Yang.

Same in the spiritual life, we have a Yin and Yang aspect. In the working life, in the business we have Yin and Yang as well. When we apply it to the daily work, the physical tasks and projects are the physical world. The Yang aspect of the work.  But we can think about the reasons why some things have gone the way they have gone. The stuff that we kind of get stuck and we start to wonder why is this going this way. There could be a spiritual reason why an outcome turns out the way it does. Why a project turns out the way it does. What if there was a spiritual reason?

In people development, skill development, talent development, we talk about lessons, insights. What did you learn from that challenging situation or outcome? We actually talk about it even in the business world but we just talk about it little bit differently. I invite to think about what are maybe some of the spiritual lessons, outcomes, reasons why some aspects, relationships, outcomes turn out the way they do.

I said as part of my introduction, how I'm going to do this blog, is that I’m going to offer blessings  to release the mindsets, how we see the two worlds as separate. I've asked you to think about this today as one, and really push to think about the spiritual aspects. I'd like to offer you a blessing for that, so that you can better do that.

Sit up straight, have your spine straight, close your eyes, I'm going to do the same. Take a deep breath in. Literally, consciously say to yourself I am willing, ready, and open to see the world differently. See these two worlds differently, see how they merge, join, and are one. Open your heart and soul to receive a blessing just for this.

Hao, hao, hao. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hao means perfect. It's like an affirmation at the end. I would love to hear from you. Your insights based on what I shared with you today as well as from that blessing. What was your experience? Do tell me. Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Monday, 16 September 2013

How to apply this blog for Soul Healing Miracles Journey for Daily Business in your life

Hello. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I'm a disciple of Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
Disciple means a dedicated student. One of the main purposes of my blog is to share with you the teachings, sacred wisdom, practical techniques of my spiritual teacher, Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha. He teaches soul power; soul power techniques. When he teaches, he teaches everything in a very simple way: what, why, how, and then he offers a blessing.
Many of you may be thinking how is it that the soul power can be of light for the business life, corporate life, working life? I am so excited to be teaching you, sharing with you how I have done it. I'm going to teach you very practical techniques and teachings that my teacher has taught me. I'm going to give you practical examples where to apply them, how to apply, and what are the benefits, why they are useful.
Additionally, I'm going to offer you blessings to clear and transfer many blockages with how you apply them to your life so you can benefit more and more. They have made a huge difference in my life, which is why I'm so passionate about sharing them with you. There is so much to share. Master Sha has taught me so much, so I'm very excited to be able to share them with you in different parts of this blog.

Love you, love you, love you! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Intro to My Soul Healing Miracle Journey for Daily Business

Hello. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I'm very honored to be a worldwide representative, a disciple, and a Divine Channel of Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

I wasn't always all of these things that I am today, very honored. My background is in the corporate world for several years. I pursued my spiritual journey and spiritual path while I was in the corporate world. I often found this very challenging. I felt there were different, separate paths, separate aspects of my life, and I often felt very unspiritual in the corporate world. I yearned for something more meaningful, more insightful, deeper into my life.

For several years into my spiritual journey that I realized that even the life in the corporate world, business world, or just in the normal working life is the spiritual journey. It is the spiritual life. Many people struggle with this as I've come to discover.

The purpose of my blog is to share my journey, experience, and insights with you on how we can all have it as one journey, as one path, that is the path of service, and how to apply the spiritual principles, teachings, and wisdom into the daily life whether we're a business owner, executive leader, team member, team leader. It doesn't matter what we do. How it is that we apply the spiritual principles into the day-to-day working life?

I hope you benefit from this. I hope you enjoy it. I will do my best to help you, share insights and my experiences with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you, love you, love you.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Connecting with the Soul of the Ocean ...

Have you ever received blessings from the ocean? Have you connected with the soul of the ocean?

Hello, my name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I am a wide world representative, a disciple of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, as well as one of his 30 divine channels. 

Today I’m with you from the beautiful beach in Asilomar, California. I am so blessed to be sitting here this morning before I depart for home for Toronto. I’m connecting with the soul of the ocean, the nature and the beach, and the sun as well as the beautiful wild flowers that I saw on the little path on the way to the beach. I wanted to share this message with you, this teaching, to remind you how everything has a soul.

Many people love the ocean. It is so nourishing, but have you thought about connecting with the soul of the ocean? To ask you for a blessing, to nourish you, to rejuvenate you, maybe to give you inspiration for the day? 

How about doing that right now? Close your eyes. Repeat silently after me,

 “Dear the soul of the ocean, soul of the beach, of Asilomar beach. I love you, I honor you, I appreciate you. Could you please give me a blessing for nourishment, inspiration, rejuvenation, inspiration for the day. Thank you so much.” 

Then silently repeat for a few moments, 

“The soul of the ocean blesses me. Thank you. The soul of the ocean blesses me. Thank you. The soul of the ocean blesses me. Thank you. The soul of the ocean blesses me. Thank you. The soul of the ocean blesses me. Thank you.”

Keep repeating this for few moments longer. Open your heart and soul to allow the soul of this beautiful ocean to bless your heart and soul. I will do that also. 
I will offer you a brief blessing to bless your day. Breathe in and relax. 

[blessing by soul song]. 

Hao, hao, hao. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Thank you to the beautiful soul of the ocean, the beach, the sun and the wild flowers. Take a moment to connect in your day. Connect with the nature. This way you connect with the nature, with the Tao and the Source of all creation and the quality of your day will be so different. 

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Have a blessed day.

With love and light,

Master Mirva

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Blessing from Holy Mothers and Holy Fathers

                                    Hello. Would you like a blessing from all the Holy Mothers and Holy Fathers of all times? I would like to offer you one. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Relax and receive. Open your heart, soul, mind and body. Receive this blessing from all the Holy Mothers and Holy Fathers of all times.

                                    Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, divine. Thank you all the Holy Mothers, all the Holy Fathers who came to offer this blessing and be of service.

                                    My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. It is my great honor to be a divine and thou channel. This is for my teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. I am his worldwide representative and disciple. I am most deeply honored to be one. This is a soul healing blessing you've just received. You can receive  this as many times as you want. You can watch this video over and over. Ask for blessings for any aspect of your life. We're healing anything in the mental body, emotional body, physical body or the spiritual body, even your relationships or your finances. I hope you enjoy it, benefit. Watch it again. 
                                    Tell me your experience or ask me any questions. I would love to serve you more. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks you.

Being a powerful speaker

                                    Hello. My is Master Mirva Inkeri. I am a Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. I'm delighted to talk to you about one of the most exciting topics with you today. It's a workshop on being a powerful speaker. Why am I so excited about it? Many people fear presenting or public speaking according to this statistics even more than death. Isn't that staggering? 

                                    Through my years of training in the corporate world, when I learned I was quite astounded. Do you really understand it? However I experience it myself and with our people. I saw how the fear manifests in the body with people in different ways. Also experienced that many people carry many attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, expectations of what a speaker should look like, sound like, what we ourselves are or are not and why we are good at or why we are perhaps not good at or not good enough. We carry all these negative emotions or expectations often about this topic, at about ourselves. 
                                    This workshop is all about transforming all of the negativity that stop us from really connecting with others heart-to-heart. Showing our true personality and who we are and connecting with others through our own unique essence of who we are and how we are in this world. 

                                    Do join me to explore this aspects of yourself and how you are and how you can expand yourself and how you are even further. I'd like to offer you now a blessing. Those of you who will join me, this will be just the beginning. If you can't join me this time, you can join me next time. I'd like to offer you a blessing anyhow to transform or begin to transform some of the negative feelings or beliefs that you may carry at this point in time. I'd be honored to serve you.

                                    Take a deep breath in. Roll your shoulders back. Close your eyes. Just relax. Open your heart and soul, mind and body to receive this blessing for you at this time however it is appropriate. Blessing begins. 

                                    Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I hope to see you soon. Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

New to spiritual journey?

                                     Those of who are just finding your way to your spiritual journey, first of all, congratulations. For myself, I carried many, many years this feelings, sense and strong belief that there must be more to life than what I was experiencing. It was true because I have not yet found my spiritual journey. That's why I congratulate you. 

                                    Stick to it because this is the journey. This is the best journey. Really I feel this is the only journey. This is the journey to the heart, to our soul and to the divine. For that, we're very blessed. 

Open your heart

I would like to offer a blessing to open your heart further and further. 
                                Close your eyes and simply receive.                                   
Hao. Hao. Hao. 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.