Thursday, 19 September 2013

How to join the work world as one

This is Master Mirva. I had an inspiration today. I was speaking to somebody on the phone and they were reflecting on the concepts of my blog, the basic foundation of my blog. Really what I wanted to share today was the first thing to start merging the business world, or the working life and the spiritual life, is to stop thinking that they are separate. It has to start with the mind that we start to bring them together in our thinking. 

If you think about the physical life, the working life is the physical world. The spiritual life, the spiritual world, the soul world is another aspect. If you think about the Yin and Yang symbol, the spiritual life, spiritual world is the Yin aspect. The physical life, physical world is the Yang aspect. In the teachings of the Yin and Yang, it's a universal law that Master Sha teaches as well. Every aspect of life has a Yin and Yang.

Same in the spiritual life, we have a Yin and Yang aspect. In the working life, in the business we have Yin and Yang as well. When we apply it to the daily work, the physical tasks and projects are the physical world. The Yang aspect of the work.  But we can think about the reasons why some things have gone the way they have gone. The stuff that we kind of get stuck and we start to wonder why is this going this way. There could be a spiritual reason why an outcome turns out the way it does. Why a project turns out the way it does. What if there was a spiritual reason?

In people development, skill development, talent development, we talk about lessons, insights. What did you learn from that challenging situation or outcome? We actually talk about it even in the business world but we just talk about it little bit differently. I invite to think about what are maybe some of the spiritual lessons, outcomes, reasons why some aspects, relationships, outcomes turn out the way they do.

I said as part of my introduction, how I'm going to do this blog, is that I’m going to offer blessings  to release the mindsets, how we see the two worlds as separate. I've asked you to think about this today as one, and really push to think about the spiritual aspects. I'd like to offer you a blessing for that, so that you can better do that.

Sit up straight, have your spine straight, close your eyes, I'm going to do the same. Take a deep breath in. Literally, consciously say to yourself I am willing, ready, and open to see the world differently. See these two worlds differently, see how they merge, join, and are one. Open your heart and soul to receive a blessing just for this.

Hao, hao, hao. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hao means perfect. It's like an affirmation at the end. I would love to hear from you. Your insights based on what I shared with you today as well as from that blessing. What was your experience? Do tell me. Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 


  1. Dear Master Mirva-
    I was very excited to hear when Master Sha announced your new blog, and that it would focus on how to reconcile the business world with the spiritual journey. Thank-you so much for the teaching and the blessing, I look forward to following your blog, as well as the blogs of the other DCs. LYLYLY.

    1. Dear Johanna,

      Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I am delighted. I am very excited to serve through this blog and this aspect of life. Let me know if there are any particular topics you would like me to cover.

      Love and blessings,
      Master Mirva

  2. Dear Master Mirva,

    I look forward to reading your blogs on how to meld spiritual and physical aspects of work as one. I will frequent your page often for your insights. Thank you for writing your blog on this topic. I believe alot of people will benefit from your teachings & blessings on how to transform work. Much love & gratitude- Orlena

  3. Dear Orlena,

    Thank you for your kind words! I am looking forward to serving through this blog!
    Love and blessings,
    Master Mirva

  4. Dear Master Mirva--
    Thank-you for sharing your wisdom and the blessing.
    I had an insight during the blessing to see the world as one---the insight I had was that first I have to see myself as one, and reorient my own perspective from fragments of myself dealing with certain 'compartments' of the world, to wholeness of myself interacting with the wholeness of the world. Also, I am beginning to understand that this as a process which needs to be practiced and develop over time. You have helped me find another specific aspect to chant and practice towards. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. LyLyLy!

    1. Perfect Johanna! This is wonderful!

      This demonstrates the realisation of oneness, vs. duality. I am delighted for you!

      Much love and light.
