Friday, 14 February 2014

Business of the heart

Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Today, I wanted to talk to you about business, work, and having a heart in how you do business or how you work. How does that all relate to together? The question I have is do you really truly, sincerely, and deeply care? Care about what? Do you truly care about your colleagues, employees, especially if you're a people leader and you have other people reporting to you? Do you truly care about them, their development and their journey, and especially if it's a case where you may not like that person's personality?

This is where we face a question of having great compassion, love, and a care for other people and their journey in this lifetime as well as beyond. Master Sha, my teacher and spiritual father and teacher, talks about Da Ai. It means the greatest love. In his teaching is that we offer our Da Ai when we do not distinguish between people. I like this person. I don't like that person. If he or she would just be different.

When we don't go through any of this distinction and yet offer same amount of love and a care to each and every person, this is when we are able to operate from a place of greatest love. Needless to say that this describes love that is much bigger than the ordinary love we think about, for example, in family relationships. This is soul love. This is true heart love and beyond.

This is a journey. This is the aim for us all because the question really is do we care about our customers? Our business partners? Then people, companies we network with, do we really truly care? This is my thought for the day for you and for me, something I ponder about and I self-assessed, where is it that I fall short from this very tall order? Yet it is a wonderful order and it would be so wonderful if more of us can have this as one of our aims.

I'd like to offer you now a blessing to open your heart further so you can increase your capacity and capability to come from, to operate from, and offer others your greatest love, your Da Ai. If you're ready to receive the blessing, sit up straight, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in. Relax. Allow your shoulders to drop back and roll back. Literally, truly open your heart to receive this blessing however it is appropriate for you at this time to open your heart and soul to greater and greater depths and extend to radiate and shine out your greatest love.


Hao, hao, hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I would love to hear from you what your experience was from that blessing and/or your reflection on what you think about your capacity and capability to operate from that space that is centered around the greatest love, being heart-centered in your daily actions and thoughts.

Have a blessed day. Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

With love and light,

Master Mirva


  1. Dear Master Mirva thank you for the amazing blessing and post. Since meeting Master Sha I try to help serve where ever I am or doing, at work I try to be loving to all of my coworkers, my manager and customers that I am serving. Even offering them more love and silently chanting to and for them when I can tell they aren't themselves in a space of love or happiness. The more I generate this love the more I can feel it in my store and flowing from everyone, especially after spending time working at a different store I can feel the difference of love and light that my store has and generates. The blessing helped to open my heart and message center more and more as I could feel it expanding, and tears of gratitude as it is helping to keep my message center open at this time. thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you, cbd cbd cbd x

    1. Dear Lily,

      Thank you! I am deeply grateful if the blessing and teaching helped you! Thank you for sharing your experience! I am very grateful. Your service is beautiful and heart touching. Keep up the good work!

      Much love and light,
      Master Mirva
