Saturday, 26 April 2014

Compassion in the workplace

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Delighted to be with you today. I'd like to talk about the significance of compassion in the workplace. You might wonder "Where does this fit in?" I might answer that it fits in greatly and bears great significance

Years ago, when I was introduced to the concept of compassion, I had no idea truly, I mean deeply, what it meant. No idea, at all. I learned over the years on my spiritual journey where this is significant is where there are relationship challenges; perhaps, conflict in relationships, whether that's in the workplace, at home, where ever. Especially relationships which are perhaps are a little bit more distant, like in the business world, like a vendor relationship where you cannot necessarily just directly say, "Let's sit down, have a cup of tea, and talk about this."

This spiritual concept is that every single soul is suffering. Every human being is suffering on a level. Every soul and human being are on a spiritual journey. If we think about it from this perspective, we all have lessons to learn on our spiritual journey that are manifesting, that are here, present, physically in this life. Some of these lessons manifest in these relationship challenges, perhaps, even conflict. Sometimes, they are so deep that they really have us suffer. We lose sleep, they take mental space and time, we cannot get over this person, this situation, what he said, what she did, and more.

What I found, for me, what made a huge difference, when I deeply realized and remembered that every person is suffering, it created huge relief for me. It let me and the other people off the hook, so to say. I was able to think about it that when I was upset by someone or something they said, I would say to myself that they, too, are suffering. I relaxed because I knew this in my heart and soul to be true. I didn't consciously know what they were suffering from exactly. I didn't need to because my heart recognized this as the truth.

Then, I came to realize that the more upset the person was, the more intense it was, the situation, or perhaps the more hurtful they were in their words, the more they were suffering, the more pain they were experiencing. The intensity was the measure of the extent of the pain and suffering. This helped me to have even more compassion as a result. I am deeply grateful, personally, for this teaching because it has transformed many a situation for me. I have been able to have distance emotionally and mentally and offer that person understanding, let them off the hook that they haven't always gotten it right and give them space, give them love, understanding, and forgive them in that moment.

Contemplate on this. This can make a huge difference for you also. Assess your relationships. Assess your judgment of situations and people, how you assess those and see. Try it. Try it for yourself. Say that next time when you're in that situation. Tell yourself that they, too, are suffering. Notice your response. Practice it. Practice it more than once. I would love to hear your experience. I would love to have you share how you applied this, how it may be changed, or what benefits it had for you in your relationships in those challenging times.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a blessed day. 

Love and light,
Master Mirva 

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Practice for transforming our consciousness

This is the practice how to transform our consciousness to be on a higher level of frequency and vibration. In the earlier video I shared the teaching, the concept of transforming consciousness. This is the practice how to do this.

On a daily basis, as often as you wish, we will use the four power techniques. The body power is place your one hand on your heart, and place your other hand on your forehead so as to create light and frequency vibration in your brain area as well as in your heart.

Now visualize golden light going from your brain to your heart and vice versa, up and down, both of these areas filled with golden light, shimmering, shining bright light. This is the body power. The visualization of the golden light is the mind power.

The sound power is God gives his heart to me. The soul power, the most important power, is the invocation. Please repeat this after me. "Dear divine soul song, God gives his heart to me. I love you. I honor you. I appreciate you. Please transform my consciousness to be that of your consciousness. Align my heart, soul, mind, and body with yours so I may serve others better. Thank you so much."

Close your eyes. Now visualize the light filling in both your brain, your heart, and the space in between. Now the words are very simple. "God gives his heart to me. God gives his love to me. My heart melds with his heart. My love melds with his love."

So I will sing it once, and then you can join me.


Now join me.


And again.


Now if that's too long or doesn't resonate with you exactly, because the key is to really open your heart, really give your heart when you sing it, you can simply sing, (singing).

The key is to transform our human frequency and vibration with a frequency and vibration that is higher than ours. That is why we sing divine love, then we become divine love. We can also sing divine light.

(Singing) Visualize divine light. (Singing)

Soul light. (Singing)

Hao. Hao. Hao.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you divine mantras of divine light, divine love, soul light, and God gives his heart to me. Hao means, "Perfect, get well."

This is a practical, tangible way how we can transform our consciousness. The power of a mantra is beyond our imagination. Play this video more than once. Do this practice every day, more than once a day. The more you wish to transform, the more you need to practice, the more you will experience the results of the transformation.

I would love to hear what your experience was. I am here to serve you, and I'm honored to do so.

Much love and blessings to your day. Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva

Saturday, 19 April 2014

How to transform consciousness

Hello everyone. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.

I'm delighted to be with you today. Yesterday I gave two different teachings on transforming consciousness and transforming our mental body, which is really one and the same thing. The mental body consists of all of our attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, attachments, as well as our ego.
What does it mean to transform consciousness? There's a lot of talk about that on our higher level. In the business world, we also talk about transforming consciousness, but many have no real tangible idea or way how to do this.

My teacher, Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha teaches this very very simply. He says that first of all, everything and anything has consciousness. Most of us think of our brain or our mind. 

Consciousness does mean our mind. However in traditional Chinese medicine, the heart- the heart physical organ- houses our mind. Therefore when we do healing and transformation practices for our heart, we actually influence our thinking, our mind.

The brain absolutely is involved, no doubt about that. All of the brain wires, the synapses, how they fire, et cetera, of course, are greatly significant in this process. What is significant though that it is both our brain and our heart that can drive the quality of our thinking. How positive we are, how negative we are. Is your glass half empty or half full?

Myself, I used to suffer from this immensely. My glass was always half empty. Even if I had had ten things go well during the day, and one thing didn't go well, that one thing would totally and completely override all the things that went well. It was in my makeup, but it was also my karmic patterns of the negative mindsets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, ego, and attachments that I held. I have received many divine blessings for this aspect of my life as well as I have learned very many practices using divine frequency and divine vibration to transform my thinking, my consciousness.

That is the key to Master Sha's teaching, How to transform consciousness. There's a very simple practice. That is to sing the divine soul song of God Gives His Heart To Me. The words go, "God gives His heart to me. God gives His love to me. My heart melds with His heart. My love melds with His love."

For some of you, you may be thinking, "This doesn't feel quite right to me." That's okay. You can replace it simply by divine love, divine light, divine compassion, whatever it is. The key is, in Master Sha's teaching, that what we sing, what we chant is what we become.

Wouldn't you want your heart to be melded with the heart of the divine? To me this idea is exquisitely beautiful and I know that I can be a different person if my heart actually comes and is from the heart of the Divine. That's why I love this teaching concept and practice. In the next video I'm going to lead you how to do this practice.

I would love to hear your thoughts or questions you may have about this teaching. Please let me know and I would be delighted to serve you.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a blessed day.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Transform finances and business situations with Divine Power

Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri.

I'm delighted to be with you today. I wanted to share with you about this incredible treasure called Divine Healing Hands. It is a healer and healing transmission. It is literally golden soul hands that we'll receive from the divine.

Many people think that it can be perhaps only used to heal emotional, mental, physical aspects of life. Divine healing hands can absolutely be used to transform our finances, our relationships and any aspect of our business. So if you are a business owner, or you are a business leader, it is incredibly powerful and beneficial to have divine healing hands.

Every day, you can start the day by offering your staff, your team members, partners, colleagues, vendors, suppliers divine healing hands blessings to function, collaborate, coordinate, perform more efficiently, effectively so as to be of better service for everyone. Now, isn't that of value?
You could clear and transform blockages in cash flow. Maybe there's a check that keeps bouncing, there's a payment that just isn't coming through. All of these challenges are due to blockages on the soul, mind or the body. All of these can be transformed by offering, by applying divine healing hands.
Any relationship challenges, negotiation, issues with negotiations are due to relationship challenges which are blockages in the level of the soul, mind, or the body. Body is energy and matter. Mind is the consciousness. Soul of course is the spirit. So all of these can greatly benefit from Divine Healing Hands blessings.

I'd like to offer you a blessing now. You can make a request for your finances, any business project, outcome, situation, relationship challenge that either you have, your colleges, your staff, whoever has. So ask for a blessing, make a request and you can experience what just one time blessing feels like.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and the blessing begins and I will use my soul song as well as my divine healing hands.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This blessing will stay here. Come back, play it again, make a same request or a different request. For complex, challenging situations, you may need several times.

It's not about expecting things to just magically change immediately especially if it's a long standing matter, long standing issue, but keep coming back. My blessing here is to serve you, to keep serving you. Let me know your experience. Let me know the results or the outcome. I would love to hear from you and I would love to serve you further.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Divine Healing Hands Interview

New Spirituality Internet Radio with Oracle Treehouse on BlogTalkRadio

Today I had the honour to be interviewed by Shenice Neeci Jones from Oracle Treehouse.  This was such a delight as Divine Healing Hands is such an incredible treasure that anyone can receive. It can be applied and used for any and every aspect of life.


Much love and light,
Master Mirva