Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.
Delighted to be with you today. I'd like to talk about the
significance of compassion in the
workplace. You might wonder "Where does this fit in?" I might
answer that it fits in greatly and bears great
Years ago, when I was introduced to the concept of
compassion, I had no idea truly, I
mean deeply, what it meant. No idea, at all. I learned over the years on my
spiritual journey where this is significant is where there are relationship challenges; perhaps,
conflict in relationships, whether that's in the workplace, at home, where
ever. Especially relationships which are perhaps are a little bit more distant,
like in the business world, like a vendor
relationship where you cannot necessarily just directly say, "Let's sit
down, have a cup of tea, and talk about this."
This spiritual concept is that every single soul is suffering. Every human being is suffering on a level.
Every soul and human being are on a spiritual journey. If we think about it from this perspective, we all have
lessons to learn on our spiritual journey that are manifesting, that are here,
present, physically in this life. Some of these lessons manifest in these relationship challenges, perhaps, even
conflict. Sometimes, they are so deep that they really have us suffer. We lose sleep, they take mental space and time, we cannot get over this person, this
situation, what he said, what she did, and more.
What I found, for me, what made a huge difference, when I deeply realized
and remembered that every person is suffering, it created huge relief for me. It let me and the other
people off the hook, so to say. I was able to think about it that when I was
upset by someone or something they said, I would say to myself that they, too, are suffering. I relaxed
because I knew this in my heart and
soul to be true. I didn't consciously know what they were suffering from
exactly. I didn't need to because my heart recognized this as the truth.
Then, I came to realize that the more upset the person
was, the more intense it was, the situation, or perhaps the more hurtful they
were in their words, the more they
were suffering, the more pain they were experiencing. The intensity was the
measure of the extent of the pain
and suffering. This helped me to have even more
compassion as a result. I am deeply
grateful, personally, for this teaching because it has transformed many a situation for me. I have been able to have
distance emotionally and mentally and offer that person understanding, let them
off the hook that they haven't always gotten it right and give them space, give
them love, understanding, and forgive
them in that moment.
Contemplate on this. This can make a huge
difference for you also. Assess your
relationships. Assess your judgment of situations and people, how you assess
those and see. Try it. Try it for yourself.
Say that next time when you're in that situation. Tell yourself that they, too, are suffering. Notice your response. Practice it. Practice it more
than once. I would love to hear your experience.
I would love to have you share how you applied this, how it may be changed, or
what benefits it had for you in your relationships in those challenging times.
Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank
you. Have a blessed day.
Love and light,
Master Mirva