Monday, 27 October 2014

Greatest Harmony in daily business

Master Sha teaches about the 7 qualities for transformation of all of life.  They are:
Greatest Love, Greatest Forgiveness, Greastest Compassion, Greatest Light, Greatest Humility, Greatest Harmony, Greatest Enlightenment
I received a teaching from Greatest Harmony one morning through Divine flow.  It was so beautiful and powerful.  I hope you enjoy it also! 

with love and light, 
Master Mirva


  1. The power in this episode is still there after all this time. It powerful and moving. Your will feel it. I did..

  2. Dear Shenjce,

    Thank you for taking the time to share tier experience! That is what is so magnificent about these podcasts that we can indeed go back time and again.

    Much love & light,
    Master Mirva
