Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Celebrate International Day of Happiness with Master Sha on March 20 by watching the video premiere of Love, Peace and Harmony.

Then share the joy with others through chanting, sharing on social media and supporting efforts to increase the happiness and well-being of families worldwide.
We become what we chant: Sing for love, peace and harmony. One song can change the world.

“We become what we chant. Chant and share the message of Love, Peace and Harmony. One song can change the world.http://thndr.me/EViiF8

I love my heart and soul

I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony.

Research has shown that when large groups of people meditate and chant together, it has a powerful positive impact on the social environment of the entire community. We become what we chant, so as we chant to create world love, peace and harmony, each of us is transforming the message we carry within.
Love, Peace and Harmony, which is a song received by Master Sha from the Divine, carries the high frequency and vibration of love, forgiveness, compassion and light. Your body naturally resonates with this elevated frequency, and responds by activating good health and positive outcomes in your life as well as in the world.
Chanting balances your energy, restoring your natural harmony and well-being. Your loving vibration can change the world when you volunteer and provide unconditional service to your friends, family, community and our beloved Mother Earth.
Imagine a world where everyone shares the message of love, peace and harmony.
  1. At the top of the page (on thunderclap) support via Twitter, Facebook or both, and get the word out to your friends and followers to do the same.
  2. On March 20, sing or chant Love, Peace and Harmony for 15 minutes. Invite friends and loved ones to join in, and spread the positive energy. Visit http://lovepeaceharmony.org for more suggestions on how you can make a difference. 
  3. Watch as everyone's messages are simultaneously shared around the world, along with a very special video on Love, Peace and Harmony.
I wholeheartedly invite you to please join to create Love Peace and Harmony on Mother Earth. I personally deeply deeply desire this in my heart.  Don't you? this is the simplest way to make a difference! Click here now to join the thunderclap campaign. It is so exciting!  

with much love and light,
Master Mirva

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