Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Making amends as spiritual practice in the daily life and work

Hello everyone!

This is Master Mirva

It’s week two into our 6-weeks of year end closing. This week the focus is on amends, making amends. So the invitation is for us to either, meditate and ask for guidance, wisdom and insights, or do soul communication.

Where is it that I at this point in time in my journey can make amends? Many of us need to make amends with ourselves, our own soul, with our own journey. At times, it is appropriate to make amends with others. Who are they? What for? Sometimes there are situations, interactions and relationships that we don’t even realise that amends may be appropriate.

Thus the guidance through the reflection, meditation and soul communication can bring the enriching enhancing awareness and awakening.

I leave you with this note. May it help you on your spiritual journey.

Love you Love you Love you.

Much love and light, 

Master Mirva

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Brings stillness into the busyness

Hello everyone,

Love you Love you Love you.

Did you know that today starts the time period where it is only 6 weeks till the end of the year? 6 weeks left for this year. So last year we did something different.

Last year we applied one of the spiritual principles that our beloved Master Sha brings to us, that to complete the year to close off the year is very important to do with very different awareness, conscious awareness, conscious contemplation, introspection, reflection and assessment to give gratitude, appreciation, do forgiveness practice, celebrate, have appreciation and honour for the journey, for the year and how to then complete and bring closure to that year so as to start anew for the following year.

So the focus is more internal as opposed to, especially in the western world – the focus is going out a lot, energetically, emotionally, relationships, lots of things happening, very busy, sometimes quite intense and perhaps chaotic time.

So when we focus this time of the year on bringing love peace and harmony, embodying that, by singing that, we can bring a different message to this year end period. Additionally for the 6-week period, we have a theme, a focus for each week so we can journey together individually, yet collectively at the same time, to do this in a more conscious, aware way. We can invite anybody and everybody to join us in this focus. This way we can shift and change ourselves, our consciousness as well as anyone who joins in this particular focus.

Here is the message for this week: We start this period with

Focus on anew.
What can I start anew?
What have I accomplished?
What can I renew on my journey?
What can I begin anew?

This is the flow from Heaven for this week, the focus. So you can write those questions down. You can meditate on them. You can ask your own soul or Jesus, Mary, Buddha, God, whomever Saint, Holy Being for guidance. What is their feedback? What is their wisdom? But most of all it is important to connect with your own soul to create that connection with your soul, because we live in the Soul Light era. Soul has the wisdom. The soul has the power to heal and transform every aspect of your life.

I wish you wonderful, peaceful time of the year to close off the year.

Love you Love you Love you.

With much love & light,

Master Mirva

Friday, 11 November 2016

Calm down to peace and patience!

This is a meditation for the emotional body aspect of the Wood element to balance, calm, harmonise the aspects of the emotional body that correlate with the Wood Element.

The unbalanced emotions could be anger, irritability, hopelessness, resentfulness and more. When the Wood Element is balanced, we can feel peace, patience, calmness and more. These are very important qualities to bring about if we are feeling unbalanced.

You can listen to this meditation however many times you need to. At times when you feel angry, when you feel irritated, or when you feel like you just lost hope. When it feels too hard like there is no hope. Hope can be restored.

Take 3 gentle but deep breaths in and out. Allow yourself to fully relax or as much as possible that you are able. Bring your focus, your attention inside, your abdominal cavity from your navel, go directly inwards.

Think imagine, visualise emerald green light inside this area. This light is peaceful, calming, balancing, harmonising. It is dissipating any imbalances in your Wood Element and especially in the organ of liver.

Breathe in and out.
(Soul Song)
May peace be with you .. may peace be with you in your heart and soul ..
Open your heart and soul .. open your heart and soul ..
Release .. open and release .. open and release ..

Allow the body to expand with the light and the breathing. Allow yourself to drop down in the deeper emotions that may be lying underneath – anger, irritability, impatience and more. Allow fear to be released – fear of being judged, fear of being revealed. Fear of being seen for who you truly are, knowing that you are exactly perfect as you are. Release yourself of any judgement. Breathe in acceptance, breathe out any negativity. Breathe in the emerald green light. Breathe out any negativity. Breathe in the green light. Breathe out and it radiates throughout your entire body.

Sink deep in your heart and soul into your very essence and know that the future is bright. There is a way forward. There is hope. The only way is forward. Breathe in and breathe out.

Receive this 1 minute blessing to transform this emotional body aspects further.

Divine Healing Hands blessing for the Wood Element emotional body.

(Soul Song)

Give yourself a message for your liver. Silently repeat:

healthy liver, calm liver, balance liver,
healthy liver, calm liver, balance liver.
I am patience, I am peace, I am balance and in harmony with myself and with everyone.

Hao Hao Hao, to close the meditation.
Hao means perfect, get well. It’s like an affirmation at the end.
You can listen to this however many times you need.

Love you Love you Love you.

Let me know your experience. I would love to serve you more.

With the greatest of love and light,

Master Mirva