Thursday, 28 November 2013

How to return from a spiritual retreat

Hello. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I've just returned from a very intense spiritual retreat with my spiritual teacher, Dr. and Master Sha. Many of you may be on a spiritual journey, spiritual path, and you may be attending all kinds of spiritual events and retreats. I'd like to talk about today how to come back, how to return to the regular world, to the working life, business life, corporate world, and so forth.
The duality can seem very harsh when we come back. It used to be, at least for me, I used to come back to my corporate world … upon returning from my retreat, I'm thinking, "I don't know how to do this? How can I think back into this world? It's so not what I want or what I like or I don't like." This used to be my thinking. Until I realized that every aspect of my life is part of my spiritual life. Every aspect of my day, of my life is part of my spiritual journey. Every aspect, how I conduct my day, in my corporate world, in my work, is how I apply my practice to my spiritual journey.
The first thing is to dissipate the duality. It's all one. Second part was to realize that every aspect of my being was going through huge shift, change, and transformation when I came back into the physical world, so to say. My spiritual body, mental body, emotional body, and physical body had to go on through and were still going through major transformation and adjustment.
For me, it was important to realize that however long the period, was week, two weeks, whatever, it was not the time to make any major decisions based on what was going on with my thinking. The temptation and/or the desire to make big changes was often there. What I needed to learn was to wait. Wait and allow the transformation to balance in all aspect of my being to harmonize, calm down, and integrate. Because I learned that my thinking and my emotions, because they were going through such transformation, they were not necessarily all balanced out. If I waited longer, my perception and the way I thought about things in my view did actually change.
There was too much charge right after; maybe a week, at least; maybe two weeks to wait out, to allow every all of the four bodies to settle down; to settle down, to integrate the frequency and vibration that I had received during the retreat being in a higher frequency. These were very, very important.
The third part was to keep practicing, to keep up my spiritual practice. Most of all, chant. Because to chant a mantra, or whatever your practice is, helps to keep my frequency higher. It helps to keep transforming my own frequency and vibration in my physical body, my emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body. This can help to balance the days from morning to night and it can help to balance the thinking, the emotional responses, and reactions to life in general.
These are some of the … just some, few tips, how to come back, how to return to the normal life. I'd like to offer you a blessing to support your return, support your integration whenever you need it. You can come back to this and let me know what your experience has been. 

Take a deep breath. Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Breathe in and breathe out. Allow yourself to open and to receive this blessing, to support your integration, to balance and harmonize your soul, heart, mind, and body to be able to adjust and integrate appropriately.
Blessing begins.
Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Allow yourself time. Be kind with yourself as well as with others. Share your experiences of integration with me. I would love to hear from you. Come back. Listen to this again. Receive the frequency and vibration to support you again and again.
Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.              

With love and light,

Master Mirva

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Master Peter shares his Soul Healing Miracle Journey to Soul Enlightenment: Peter Hudoba: Early stages of my Enlightenment Jo...

One of my very first teachers for deeply taking me into my spiritual journey and the spiritual purpose of my life, was Master Peter Hudoba.  His great love, very sweet heart and immensely deep wisdom captured my heart and mind immediately.  For me, he was a wonderful expert on the mind, thinking, consciousness and how the mind and thinking can really block us in my ways and in all aspects of our life. 

He personally coached me greatly and offered mentoring, teaching and loving guidance since 2008 when I first met him in Sydney, Australia. He travelled to Sydney from Canada one time for 2 evening workshops only! Can you imagine this? Such was his devotion to serve and teach others and direct them on to their journey of Soul Enlightenment. 

Master Peter is an incredible spiritual teacher. He deeply understands the Universal Laws that apply to all aspects of life, including business, finances and relationships. 

Enjoy his blog and teachings. His book is the most beautiful, honest, candid and heart opening personal story. 

Love and light to your day!

Master Mirva

Master Peter's Personal book

My Soul Healing Miracle Journey to Soul Enlightenment: Peter Hudoba: Early stages of my Enlightenment Jo...:

From early childhood, I was searching for Enlightenment. At that young age, I of course did not know exactly what it is what I want, but I ...

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Uplift your consciousness

Hello everyone, 

Love and light to your weekend!  Do you suffer from negative thinking? Do you perceive that the cup is half empty, rather than half full? Do you focus on what went wrong in your day, rather than what happened really well? Do you get easily upset? 

What if there was a way to release some of this? 

What I found most precious and incredible was when I discovered that there was a way to create incredible shift in my negative outlook upon life and thinking in general.  It used to bother me a lot!  I was one of the people who would focus on what had gone wrong in my day, when I was reviewing my day at the end of it. One single negative thing could outweigh several positive ones. Can you believe it? 

I am so grateful that it does not need to be my reality any more. 

I found relief with Master Sha: not only in his teaching and practices on how to transform my thinking, but most especially in the Divine Healing blessings that he offers. We carry a type of karma in the form of negative attitudes, negative mindsets, negative beliefs, ego and attachments. I knew I had all of these! I just had never found a way that could create a significant change for me. And I had tried MANY things. 

I am extremely grateful that Master Sha offers karma cleansing for all of these five types of mind blockages! And it is not the only opportunity. In addition to this, he offers an opportunity to uplift our consciousness.  Not just transform but uplift. This is different.  Our consciousness is literally uplifted to a completely another level, to a much much higher level.  This in itself, is not only completely rare and sacred, it is also incredibly unique. I don't know any other method or healing technique that is quite like this. Personally, I never miss an opportunity for this. Every time I receive one of these blessings the quality of my thinking transforms further. My mind and awareness completely perceives things differently. This made a tremendous difference for me in my work.  There were so many things that used to "get to me" during my working day: company politics, game playing and more. After receiving these karma cleansing and Mind Enlightenment orders, this all started to shift for me.  Gradually all of this was transforming and I could be more and more detached and not perceive things so negatively. I could let people, situations and relationships be ok, just as they were. This gave me most incredible freedom. 

Here is how Master Sha talks about it himself. 

These opportunities only exist through special events with Master Sha.  This weekend one is taking place. You can join via live webcast and benefit.  Soul and Mind Enlightenment Retreat.

I am sharing all of this, as I really wish you would take this opportunity also. It is so unique. I don't know anyone else who offers these services.  It is my deep desire that you also uplift your consciousness and thus make a difference not only in the quality of your day-to-day life through your thinking, but also enhance the quality of your life and interactions. 

With much love and light, 
Master Mirva 

Saturday, 9 November 2013

How to really make a difference to the quality of your life, in every way.

Hello, this is Master Mirva.  
I was asked to share about Soul Enlightenment and its impact to humanity and mother earth. I feel this is one of the most powerful, powerful ways to really help to transform the consciousness on a large scale on mother earth at this time. When we receive soul enlightenment … When any soul receives soul enlightenment our capacity to understand to receive to integrate love, compassion, forgiveness to each other just exponentially increases. This is my experience and this is my perception how I perceive this incredible gift at this time that is available to us. The more people who receive soul enlightenment the higher the consciousness will continuously be on mother earth.
It is available to us so easily. It is so quick we don’t have to work years and years and years it is instantaneous. It’s truly remarkable that we have this opportunity available to us at this moment in time I feel unbelievably grateful for this and to have found Master Sha and learned about the service that he offers to everyone and anyone who wishes to seek it.
The transformation and expansion that takes place as a result of receiving Soul Enlightenment enhances, maximizes, amplifies and more the way we are; think, behave, speak, interact with others and more, exponentially.  It has the power to completely change the quality of our way of being and living.
I am so very grateful for these opportunities having been availed to us through Master Sha. However, they are not here forever.  The service will end by the end of this year.  Watch here how Dr. and Master Sha himself explains this.

You can join me and receive the most incredible transformation of your life.  Soul Enlightenment Opportunities

Much love and light to your day!
Master Mirva

Friday, 8 November 2013

Purpose and realisation of service - The Way of all life.

Hello. This is Master Mirva. 

Today, I’m thinking about service, work, my work and life in the corporate world, and how I came to realize that my purpose is to be of service to my boss, to the company I was working for, and everyone else in the company. This realization happened to me in 2010. I had done the very first Tao Retreat with my teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. In his teaching, Tao is about the way of all life, the natural laws and principles of all life. I had no idea that I would come home with this deep realization.

I worked in a corporate world, in an environment that was busy, hectic, always asking for something, always needed to produce a lot and results. I was used to this, it had been the way I had over for several years. I was part of an environment were always the next step in the career was considered. Everyone thought about this all the time. So did I. When I came home from this retreat, that desire, that drive to look for the next step, to prove myself, to work hard and what did I need to do to get to the next step was completely gone.

I had no yearning desire to do that. It didn’t mean that I didn’t want to produce results, not at all. What was, all of a sudden my driver, my motive was how could I be of service to my boss in the most immediate sense? I realized that that was the purpose. I realized that’s why the company had me there. That’s why they paid me my salary. I made a decision that whatever my boss was going to ask me to do, I was going to do it. I was not going to have my own agenda anymore. That was one of the biggest realization I have ever had in my spiritual life, and in my work life.

It gave me immense freedom, immense flow. Everything was just so much easier after that. I felt truly aligned on my soul’s journey, because I was exactly where I needed to be in that corporation, in that position at that time. When I surrendered myself to that, as supposed to trying to work it out in my head, what it all was about. I was free. I’d like to share that with you today, because I’d like you to think about, how is it that you can be of service to your manager, leader, to your company, to your team, to your business partner, to your clients, whomever it is, have that with you today, let it be your driver.

Let me know what comes out for you, what questions you have, or how maybe your day was different. I would love to hear from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you.

You have the incredible opportunity to also attend a Tao Retreat and receive immense transformation for your life, just like I did. Tao Retreat in Arizona

with love and light,

Master Mirva

(Here is some joy and experiences that were had at the last retreat)

Friday, 1 November 2013

More is being asked of us all the time!

How full is your cup? How fast is the water flowing? 
In which direction is it flowing? 

Hello, this Master Mirva Inkeri. 

I wanted to talk to you about today something that has been happening for me since yesterday and today. That is that I'm on the phone with many people who are suffering, going through a great deal emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Yesterday, literally I took a call in the evening from somebody who said, "I feel like I'm losing my mind." This is happening a lot at the moment with people. On large terms, we're in an evolutionary phase called Soul Light Era, and part of the more spiritual teaching is that the whole planet, Mother Earth, is going through what is called Transition Phase. 

Without being too esoteric about it, I wanted to share with you, you may or may not know about this, that how this manifests in the day-to-day life on the normal daily life level is with people going through great maybe challenges or upheaval in their lives. So what I have been doing is, I have been witnessing, listening to, supporting, coaching, and offering service to others, those who have contacted me. 

I wanted to talk about our ability to be a container for all of that and for other people. My experience in life journey has been about learning how to be a bigger and better container for what happens around me and for other people.

The first thing is about my own capacity and capability to deal with that. Second is to be the container and hold other people in their journey without being negatively impacted myself. If I take on what goes on for them, I will be negatively impacted, not only tired but drained, but I could be worried, sleepless nights, etc. Can't afford to do that. That would not help me to have wellbeing, a balance in my life, and then, I would be out of balance, and I would no longer be of service to other people.

There are many things we can do about this, especially in Master Sha's teaching. I recently talked about the significance of having the transmission of Divine Healing Hands. This is an incredible transmission and service that we can offer to other people. That's one thing. 

Another thing is how well we hold our own balance, groundedness, direction and focus. This is something that's very tangible, practical on a daily basis. I will teach how to boost your own foundation a little later. Today, I'd like you to just explore, observe, self-assess yourself.

How balanced do you feel? How grounded do you feel? What does that look like or feel like to you? Do you know when you're out of balance? When you're not grounded? Do you notice that? If yes, how do you experience that? What does that look or sound or feel like? Maybe you say things differently or speak differently when you're out of balance or when you're ungrounded, when you don't really feel like literally your feet are firmly planted on the ground. 

Observe, assess, inquire within. Make notes for yourself. You can give me notes. I would love to hear from you, because then I can teach you more specifically. This is where I would like to bring your focus and your attention today, and let us learn together about this. I would love to serve you in this way. 

Have a wonderful, blessed and inquisitive day. Serve well. It's been my honor to serve you. Love you, love  you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Love and light,
Master Mirva