Thursday, 10 July 2014

How to address hidden insecurity & how it affects us

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.
I’m so delighted to be here with you today. I’m honored to be a disciple and Worldwide Representative of Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha as well as one of his Divine Channels.
Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that is of deep personal reflection for many people, especially leaders, but for everyone really, and that is deeply-seated, deeply-rooted insecurity which is a fear or it can be connected to a fear.
Many people in business do not talk about insecurity, definitely not publicly, maybe not even with each other, only maybe in personal reflection or with a certain trusted person.
I wanted to explore this topic because many of us do not feel more confident and competent all the time or every day. There are times when we feel insecure. What this can lead to is in what I would like to call cover up behaviors where we consciously or unconsciously demonstrate or exhibit other kinds of behaviors so as not to feel or show this insecurity either to others or even to ourselves.
It can take a lot of courage to admit even to ourselves that we have insecurity that is deeply rooted and perhaps driving our thinking, our speaking and our behavior, our interactions, our relationships with others. This is very significant if it is indeed somewhere below the surface that we are not aware of or if we are aware and we’re trying to cover it up, we’re trying to push it away, try to ignore it, that would be like trying to squash a beach ball under the water in a swimming pool. Very hard, requires a lot of effort and energy and it keeps popping up somewhere more or less because it takes so much effort to try to keep it underneath, but what if we let it pop up? Not publicly, to begin with for ourselves, to acknowledge it, to be aware of it, to stand back and understand where and how it manifests in our life, in our personal life and in our business life.
When we have this understanding, we can start to think about what to do about it, how to heal it so it’s no longer there as a hidden driver, as a hidden cause of our behavior, thinking and speech that does not serve neither ourselves nor others in the best possible way.
I invite you today to reflect, take a step back, just quietly by yourself. If you meditate, have a lot of meditation first and ask yourself, where is it, which aspect of my life where I have insecurity that manifests through my speech, thinking or my behavior? Explore this for yourself.
Next time, I will lead you through a meditation. I will also offer self-healing practice for this and finally I will offer a blessing so you could follow this through with me and explore it and help to heal and transform if and when this affects your life.
Take some time now to start the work by yourself. You can ask me questions. You can give me feedback or comments if you like to start this little miniseries. I would be so happy and delighted to serve you more and continue to serve you on this topic.
Have a wonderful blessed day.
Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With much love and light,

Master Mirva 


  1. Thank you Master Mirva, I look forward to the meditation. Love, Debra

    1. Wonderful Debra! I am delighted to serve you.

      Master Mirva

  2. Thank you, so much. I know I have insecurities deep down, I just never thought about facing them to heal and transform them. It is now time to heal on a much deeper level and I have realized that this is important for me to heal at this time. Love you, Gloria.

    1. Dear Gloria,

      Thank you so much for opening your heart and sharing this! Follow this mini-series. I hope it provides you with great support. Let me know if I can serve you in any other way.

      Much love and light,
      Master Mirva
