Hello and welcome. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I'm
very honored and privileged to be a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, as well as
one of his Divine Channels.
In my blog here, what I teach about is how to do business,
our daily business differently in
the Soul Light Era, which is a time,
a phase in time that commenced in August 2003. More on that, in another blog.
It is basically how we apply and understand some of the spiritual concepts and principles and
apply them into our daily business. So
I have talked about service before, but today I wanted to talk about service as
in who you really serve.
- Are you truly serving your customers?
- Are you truly serving others in your
- Or are you focused on maybe the
shareholders, the board members?
- Are you focused on making business decisions
related to your products and services based on money?
- Are you making the decisions what features
for example a product or service should have based on how much money they
can bring in?
There is nothing wrong with having money come in, but if
that's your most important focus, if
that's your primary purpose how you make decisions,
then it is not aligned very well spiritually. The basic principle in Master
Sha's teaching is the purpose of life is to serve others. To serve others, is to make them happier and healthier.
In our business if we do not make the decisions related to
our products and services and we don't put out the offering out, that is truly
focused on serving others, giving others what they want and need, and what would
delight them, what would add value
to them and their life, we are not
most aligned. We are not aligned in the best way to serve others, which will in turn impact
the money that will come in. It is indirect correlation to our income, to our revenue.
I did six sigma work, business transformation work,
process improvement, customer experience work for years, and I encountered this
on a daily basis: how so many businesses were not fully aligned with this
principle, and so many things were like a blockage because of this simple principle.
Products were not launched based on what customers wanted and needed. They
were launched based on what the internal
teams decided would be a good product or good feature. This is already a
misalignment with what people want.
Therefore, their service isn't really fulfilling its highest purpose. It's in misalignment. There is much much more I
can talk about on this topic, but just for today, really take some time to self-assess. Go through your
products and services and go through, assess
- Think about how are they serving others.
- Are they serving others in the best possible
- Is there something you could tweak or change
to help them to serve others better?
note where you have missed a point maybe so that you can not only improve the
current existing services and products but to make note for future decisions, future services and products.
I would love to
hear from you if you have questions
on this topic or any comments back in reflection. I would be so happy to serve
you more on this topic, and I will
talk more about this in my future blog post.
Have a wonderful blessed day.
Love you, love you, love you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With love and light,
Master Mirva
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