Monday, 1 September 2014

What are the main challenges with finances that we have? Podcast to explore Soul Mind Body blockages

In Master Sha's teaching the success and failure in every aspect of life is karma.  Karma is Soul, Mind and Body blockages.  This 4 part mini-series explores the Soul, Mind and Body blockages in our Finances!  This episode explores what are Soul blockages in the area of finances in our lives. Join Master Mirva on this journey of exploration! 

Master Mirva - My Soul Healing Miracle Journey for daily business 08/24 by Soul Healing Miracle Journey | Spirituality Podcasts

With love and light,
Master Mirva 


  1. Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Master Sha. Thank you, Master Mira. This is great! This is one aspect of my life that continues to transform and it was so great to do this practice. And so wonderful to receive a soul operation blessing. Ty. Ty. Ty.

    1. Dear Gloria,

      this is wonderful that it keeps transforming! I am so happy to serve. continue to listen to the other 3 episodes as well. Continue to transform further and receive further blessings.

      thank you so much for sharing! I hope you enjoy the other episodes also.
      Thank you Divine. Thank you Master Sha!

      love and light,
      Master Mirva
