Monday, 28 July 2014

The power & significance of Compassion in client relationships podcast

This is the second episode in the mini-series on Relationships. This episode covers the concepts, teaching and exploration on the power of Compassion - understanding that everyone is suffering.  This can create great shift in our perspective! 

Enjoy this 5 week series! Let me know your insights, experiences and comments. I'd be so happy to serve you more. 

with Love and light,
Master Mirva 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Self healing practice for healing & transforming insecurity - part 3


this is part 3 of the mini series on healing and transforming insecurity.  First part was understanding and assessment how and where insecurity is perhaps manifesting in our lives. The second part was a meditation for healing insecurity. 

This third part is a self healing practice for healing and transforming insecurity. 

Practice as long as you like. You can repeat this video as many times as you like.  or you can just keep chanting till you feel are you are complete, for the time being.  Whatever works for you. 

I would love to hear your comments, thoughts and experiences. 

With much love and light,

Master Mirva 

Monday, 21 July 2014

How to create powerful soul-to-soul connections with your customers podcasts

This is a start of a mini-series on Relationships. This first episode covers how to create Soul-to-Soul connection with our clients, customers and more. 

Enjoy this 5 week series! Let me know your insights, experiences and comments. I'd be so happy to serve you more. 

Love and light,
Master Mirva 

Thursday, 10 July 2014

How to address hidden insecurity & how it affects us

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.
I’m so delighted to be here with you today. I’m honored to be a disciple and Worldwide Representative of Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha as well as one of his Divine Channels.
Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that is of deep personal reflection for many people, especially leaders, but for everyone really, and that is deeply-seated, deeply-rooted insecurity which is a fear or it can be connected to a fear.
Many people in business do not talk about insecurity, definitely not publicly, maybe not even with each other, only maybe in personal reflection or with a certain trusted person.
I wanted to explore this topic because many of us do not feel more confident and competent all the time or every day. There are times when we feel insecure. What this can lead to is in what I would like to call cover up behaviors where we consciously or unconsciously demonstrate or exhibit other kinds of behaviors so as not to feel or show this insecurity either to others or even to ourselves.
It can take a lot of courage to admit even to ourselves that we have insecurity that is deeply rooted and perhaps driving our thinking, our speaking and our behavior, our interactions, our relationships with others. This is very significant if it is indeed somewhere below the surface that we are not aware of or if we are aware and we’re trying to cover it up, we’re trying to push it away, try to ignore it, that would be like trying to squash a beach ball under the water in a swimming pool. Very hard, requires a lot of effort and energy and it keeps popping up somewhere more or less because it takes so much effort to try to keep it underneath, but what if we let it pop up? Not publicly, to begin with for ourselves, to acknowledge it, to be aware of it, to stand back and understand where and how it manifests in our life, in our personal life and in our business life.
When we have this understanding, we can start to think about what to do about it, how to heal it so it’s no longer there as a hidden driver, as a hidden cause of our behavior, thinking and speech that does not serve neither ourselves nor others in the best possible way.
I invite you today to reflect, take a step back, just quietly by yourself. If you meditate, have a lot of meditation first and ask yourself, where is it, which aspect of my life where I have insecurity that manifests through my speech, thinking or my behavior? Explore this for yourself.
Next time, I will lead you through a meditation. I will also offer self-healing practice for this and finally I will offer a blessing so you could follow this through with me and explore it and help to heal and transform if and when this affects your life.
Take some time now to start the work by yourself. You can ask me questions. You can give me feedback or comments if you like to start this little miniseries. I would be so happy and delighted to serve you more and continue to serve you on this topic.
Have a wonderful blessed day.
Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With much love and light,

Master Mirva 

Monday, 7 July 2014

Transform daily business through the 7 Soul Houses - 4th Soul House podcast

In this episode, we will focus on the 4th Soul House, the Message Centre. Also known as the heart chakra. These is where financial blockages in our lives manifest. Therefore, developing, purifying, clearing and transforming the Message Centre can be very powerful! 

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Who do you really serve?

Hello and welcome. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri. I'm very honored and privileged to be a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, as well as one of his Divine Channels.

In my blog here, what I teach about is how to do business, our daily business differently in the Soul Light Era, which is a time, a phase in time that commenced in August 2003. More on that, in another blog. It is basically how we apply and understand some of the spiritual concepts and principles and apply them into our daily business. So I have talked about service before, but today I wanted to talk about service as in who you really serve.
  • Are you truly serving your customers?
  • Are you truly serving others in your business?
  • Or are you focused on maybe the shareholders, the board members?
  • Are you focused on making business decisions related to your products and services based on money?
  • Are you making the decisions what features for example a product or service should have based on how much money they can bring in?
There is nothing wrong with having money come in, but if that's your most important focus, if that's your primary purpose how you make decisions, then it is not aligned very well spiritually. The basic principle in Master Sha's teaching is the purpose of life is to serve others. To serve others, is to make them happier and healthier.

In our business if we do not make the decisions related to our products and services and we don't put out the offering out, that is truly focused on serving others, giving others what they want and need, and what would delight them, what would add value to them and their life, we are not most aligned. We are not aligned in the best way to serve others, which will in turn impact the money that will come in. It is indirect correlation to our income, to our revenue.

I did six sigma work, business transformation work, process improvement, customer experience work for years, and I encountered this on a daily basis: how so many businesses were not fully aligned with this principle, and so many things were like a blockage because of this simple principle.

Products were not launched based on what customers wanted and needed. They were launched based on what the internal teams decided would be a good product or good feature. This is already a misalignment with what people want. Therefore, their service isn't really fulfilling its highest purpose. It's in misalignment. There is much much more I can talk about on this topic, but just for today, really take some time to self-assess. Go through your products and services and go through, assess them.
  • Think about how are they serving others.
  • Are they serving others in the best possible way?
  • Is there something you could tweak or change to help them to serve others better?
·         Take note where you have missed a point maybe so that you can not only improve the current existing services and products but to make note for future decisions, future services and products.

I would love to hear from you if you have questions on this topic or any comments back in reflection. I would be so happy to serve you more on this topic, and I will talk more about this in my future blog post.

Have a wonderful blessed day.

Love you, love you, love you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With love and light,

Master Mirva