Saturday, 8 March 2014

Education day 7 - Practical technique for transforming intense emotional pain

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Wherever you are watching this from, this is Master Mirva Inkeri. 

It's my great honor to speak to you again today. Today, I have come back to talk about how to transform. This is the "how to" section for transforming the intense emotional pain, relationship, situation, wherever that pain has come from. How to deal with it on a soul level. This is the key. Right to the action. We're going to apply the 4 Power Techniques. We're going to go through them 1 by 1.

I want you to think about the person, the relationship, the situation, a team of people if it was several people and think about the situation. We're going to imagine, visualize or see them with our mind's eye. Do that now. Close your eyes. Visualize them, imagine them or see them with you. Shower them with golden, bright, shimmering light, completely bathing in that light, including yourself. Filled with this light inside and outside. This is Mind Power. The power of this golden light is immense, very very powerful.

2nd one I want you to do is Body Power, which is you place your left hand in front of your heart chakra, your message center, your right hand in front of that hand in a traditional prayer position. This is called the soul light era prayer position and it signifies, enables and facilitates, or helps to facilitate, the communication on a soul level. This is the Body Power. Next is the Soul Power, which is the core, the key to this. I want you to close your eyes and repeat after me, I am going to cover a fairly broad generic soul power to say hello. You can apply and modify to your situation. I'm going to speak it slowly enough so that you can say your own sentences, what is meaningful in your context.

The last is the Sound Power. Sound Power is sacred healing mantras or healing sounds. In this case, we're going to sing Love Peace and Harmony. There are many mantras, or divine soul songs, we could sing. This one is particularly powerful. I'm going to keep it very simple because we did that previously in a Soul Conference section, so we're going to do it again because in Master Sha's teaching, what we sing is what we become. What we chant as a mantra is what we become. In a painful situation, how about becoming the frequencies of love, peace and harmony? Sounds pretty good?

Okay. Soul Power. Close your eyes, visualize yourself and the other people or person shimmering, bathing in golden light. Repeat after me "Dear soul, mind and body". Name the person or people, then we offer love. Say 

                            "I love you. I honor you. I appreciate you. I thank you for the teaching, this relationship, or situation, conversation, interaction, has brought to me. It is providing me deeper insights about myself and what I need to learn. I am very grateful". 

Now, depending on whether you felt the hurt or the other person felt, you would say either way around.

If you have hurt the other person, if they feel hurt by you, you would say

                            "I am most sincerely sorry for the pain, hurt or harm I caused you intentionally or unintentionally in that moment. I am so very sorry. Please forgive me. I will do whatever I need to, to make amends to the situation and to my relationship with you. Please join with me to sing Love Peace And Harmony, to transform this situation. I am so very grateful. Thank you so much".

If they have caused you pain, or maybe sometimes it's both ways, you would say the following: 

                           "I truly understand it was not your intention to hurt my feelings, to cause me pain or suffering. I am grateful for the teaching this has given me through the insights I received, what I'm learning about this situation and about myself. I completely forgive you. I understand you are suffering also. I understand these were not your best words, thoughts, deeds, behavior and intention. I forgive you. I forgive you. Please join and sing Love Peace And Harmony with me. Let us transform everything into pure love and light. For our relationship and for this situation, I am deeply grateful".

Continue to visualize the golden light. Close your eyes and now let us sing Love Peace And Harmony: 

                     "I love my heart and soul,
                      I love all humanity,
                     Join hearts and souls together,
                     Love, peace and harmony
                     Love, peace and harmony". 

And again 

                    "I love my heart and soul
                     I love all humanity
                     Join hearts and souls together 
                     Love, peace and harmony 
                    Love, peace and harmony". 

Continue to sing over and over until you feel different. No time limit. 5 minutes minimum is my recommendation to you. Then you close by saying 

                 "Hao, hao, hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Gong song. Gong song. Gong song".

Hao means perfect, get well. It's an affirmation at the end. Thank you is to thank all the souls who came and all the souls who came to bless you from the heavens, from the saints. Gong song means respectfully return. Because you've called them, you also ask them to return where they came from to join you in this practice. Try it. You must taste the pear if you want to know if it's sweet. If you want to know if this practice works, you need to try it, so do so and tell me what your experience was. I would love to hear from you and help you to use soul power, use this technique, benefit from it, transform your emotional pain, relationships, any challenges you have. I am honored to be of service.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Bye bye.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

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