Thursday, 6 March 2014

Education day 6: How to transform & receive relief from intense emotional pain

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Today on education about soul power, I wanted to explore with you sometimes a painful aspect of life. Sometimes in the workplace, in our business relationships, client relationships, business partners, employees, our superiors, our team members, whoever they are, we may feel extreme and/or even acute emotional pain. We may feel incredibly hurt by something somebody said or did or we heard that they have this perception or how they think about us.

Alternatively, it may be a situation where we discover we have hurt somebody else's feelings or we have made a huge mistake by not considering someone in a situation or not considering an aspect of a project or a task or something, and we may have disappointed somebody else, whatever the case may be. Intentionally or unintentionally, someone else may feel hurt or upset, offended, insulted by our thoughts, words, or actions.

What do we do? Sometimes it's not possible to talk to the person physically immediately. Sometimes it's not even best to talk to them directly immediately. The pain or the wound, so to say, or the situation may just feel too volatile, too sensitive, too painful. How do we deal with this? Sometimes the emotion, the pain can feel so overwhelming, engulfing. Do you know sometimes people feel like just this huge void in their chest? It's like, "Ah!" The pain is just so intense and totally immobilizing, distracting our focus for the day.

Most everyone has had moments or days or situations like that. There is a way we can deal with this. We can do something about this before we need to engage on a physical level. I don't mean just going to talk to this person and that person and that person and seeking their guidance how to deal with it. What we can do is what Master Sha teaches, is we talk to that person on a soul level first. Master Sha teaches heal and transform the soul first then the mind and the body will follow.

We can talk to the person's soul. We can also address the soul of our relationship with that person, with that team, with the situation first. We must sincerely and humbly ask for forgiveness for whatever we have done intentionally or unintentionally to cause pain, hurt, or upset. We must completely surrender and ask for their forgiveness unconditionally. Or if it's the other way around, we need to be willing, at least, to do our best to forgive them if they have hurt us. To release it, to just let it go no matter what. No justification, rationalization, debates, nothing. Just be willing to let it go.

These concepts can be the most powerful blessings, tools, and technique for us to quickly turn around and transform completely painful situations and relationships. I'd like you to think about this for a day or so and I will come back and I will teach you how to do this, how to transform this on a soul level first and then we can transform the consciousness and the physical situation and relationship.

Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a blessed day.

With love and light,

Master Mirva 


  1. Ty Ty Thank You -- I really needed to listen to this today as i am in just this situation. Thank you Master Mirva -- Much Love xx

    1. Dear Gavin,

      I am honoured that you were able to find this and it was here to serve you and what you needed. Thank you for sharing and expressing this! I am deeply grateful and honoured to serve.

      Much love and light,
      Master Mirva

    2. Dear Gavin,

      Also do the practice that is in the next blog post! Education day 7, it will help you even more.

      love and light,
      Master Mirva

  2. Dearest Master Mirva, thanks very much for your great teachings ... very helpful. Am I allowed to copy, paste and print some teachings to use to help others.
    LY LY LY Master Mirva.

  3. Dear Ai Chin,

    Thank you for your sharing and for your query! Ai Chin, copy paste the URLs of my blog, or the specific blog post/s, or the URLs of the YouTube videos. You can certainly print my posts if you want to share then with others. Please encourage others to follow my blog so they can continue to receive the teachings directly also. thank you so much for your service!

    Much love and light,
    Master Mirva

    1. Yes I will encourage my friends Master Mirva so that they can receive direct teachings from your blog .. at the moment they have just learned about Master Sha so will give them some time ... ty and ly.

    2. Thats wonderful Ai Chin! Always think of what is the next step for someone. that way you are guiding them on their spiritual journey :).

      Much love and light,
      Master Mirva
