Saturday, 1 March 2014

How to have different kind of intelligence to bring new depth to your work?

Hello, my name is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Today, I want to start an education theme on my blog. My teacher, my spiritual teacher Dr. and Master Sha, commenced at this theme on education yesterday on his website. You can look it up on When I thought about his theme and how it applies to work my message is here on his blog, I realized that it’s in complete alignment. Because my message here is about how to have a different kind, different quality, and different depth to the daily business, daily work, and daily life. How? How to have this difference?

For years, I had a spiritual life, and I had the work life. For years, I felt I have these two separate lives that just did not connect. Today, my message is about how to merge that, how to have this business life, work life different by applying the power of soul. Many business leaders or business people and often very many women look for how to do things differently, how to have a different depth, different meaning to what they do. This resonates very strongly with me because I used to be one of these women. Today, my reality is very different, because today, I apply the power soul every single day, and in pretty much everything that I do.

My blog is essentially about that. I have couple of very particular blog post earlier on last year on that topic. What are the benefits of power of soul? What it is to apply the power of soul in a daily life? I’m going to blog about that for the next couple of weeks. Today, I’d like you to just experience the power of soul, to feel the power of it. I’d like to offer you a blessing, a healing blessing by applying soul power through my soul song. This is a blessing for any aspect of your life, your business, your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, your happiness, contentment, whatever the case may be.

All that you’re required to do is to open your heart to receive this blessing, to experience it, whatever you experience is. Just relax. There’s absolutely nothing you need to do. Simply close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and breath out, really relax. Close your eyes. Blessing begins.

            (Singing Soul Song)

Hao, hao, hao. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hao means perfect, get well. It’s like an affirmation at the end. I would love to hear from you, either your experience from that blessing. There’s no right or wrong experience. Whatever you felt, heard, saw, experienced in your body is all a perfect experience for you at this time. I would also love to hear from you where it is that you would like to learn more or learn how to change the depth of quality or something else of your day-to-day life by applying the power of soul. I would love to serve you, love to answer your questions. Please let me know, and I would be so honored to serve you.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and light,

Master Mirva


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