Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri.
How are you
today? How have you found the two teachings on Soul Conferencing? Have you done
it daily? Have you done it at the beginning of your day or at the middle of
your day? Have you tried it before meetings?
The important thing is
consistency. Sometimes doing it just once may produce a wonderful result. The
key though, in general is consistency over time. I’d like you to make a
commitment doing this for about 21 days or 30 days, for one month.
Try it, see what happens for you. What is your
own process? What is shifting and changing for you? Pay attention to this, make
notes. Also notice what is happening with and for other people. I would love to
hear from you. I’m happy to answer any questions if you have questions on how
to do this, or what your experience has been when you have been doing this.
Everything transforms on the soul level first.
So therefore, especially those relationships that are more troublesome perhaps.
They will take longer to change and transform, because our challenges with that
person or persons may go beyond this lifetime. Therefore, doing a Soul Conference
once or twice just isn’t enough. It requires more effort, more commitment from
our side. The key is that we commit to doing this, if we want to have different
results than we have had before.
That’s what the Soul Conference is about. It
gives you depth and breadth on a different scale than you have perhaps done
things before; that you have perhaps managed your relationships with before. It
is a different dimension to add to your relationship skills, to your
communication skills. It’s a different kind of tool that can make a huge
difference. This is the purpose of it.
I would love to, sincerely would love to hear
from you. I’m very happy to respond and answer any questions or comments you
have. I wish you very best for using Soul Conferencing, creating soul-to-soul
connections with all those you interact with, work with and communicate with.
Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a blessed
Love and light,
Master Mirva
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