is a meditation and practice to bring greater harmony for any aspect of your life whatever your request is. You can make a request or you can refine a
request that you may be aware of to bring greater harmony. When there is
disharmony or lack of harmony, imbalances
occur. So whether that is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, something in
your relationships, worry, fear, anxiety, decision making, ability to trust,
have confidence, clarity, whatever it is – now take a deep breath in.
in rainbow light - breathe out everything that no longer serves you that is in
the way of having harmony, in that aspect of your life, in part of your body,
whatever your request is. And do that one more time – breathe in rainbow light. Your whole body washed with beautiful
shining brilliant rainbow light.
is the rainbow light of the Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light Ball. It is clearing, cleansing, washing away any negative
frequency and vibration.
let down, expand. I will use my Tao Song as part of this meditation for you.
Mirva’s Tao Song … (listen to the audio file on SoundCloud)
Trust yourself, trust in your journey, trust
in the Universe, trust in your role on this journey. Allow the Greatest Harmony to arrive.
release, release all that is in the way of harmony’s soul heart and mind, all
of your entire being, open your heart and soul.
Greatest Harmony. Da He Xie Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony. Da He Xie Da He Xie
Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony.
Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
the rainbow light going through your entire being like a shower washing you from head to toe, skin to
I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love Peace and Harmony
Love Peace and Harmony.
Da He Xie Da He
Xie Da He Xie Da He Xie.
Harmony. Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony.
join me in singing out loud.
Harmony. Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony. Greatest Harmony.
Da He Xie Da He
Xie Da He Xie Da He Xie.
Da He Xie Da He
Xie Da He Xie Da He Xie.
Harmony Greatest Harmony Greatest
Harmony Greatest Harmony
Harmony brings heart and soul balance.
Harmony brings heart and soul balance.
Harmony restores inner peace.
Harmony restores inner peace.
Visualise rainbow light once again going through
your entire body – head to toe, skin
to bone to the deepest part of your being, the tiniest matter, every single
space in your entire being completely washed, cleansed, cleared, purified,
transformed, uplifted.
a deep breath in. And do that again. And
one more time. Great!
to conclude the practice, we say Hao Hao Hao.
you Thank you Thank you.
means perfect, get well, it’s like an affirmation at the end.
thank our own soul, we thank the Greatest Harmony and the Divine Love Peace
Harmony Rainbow Light Ball.
you Thank you Thank you.
can listen to this again and again, any time you feel you need it.
much love & light,