Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Making amends as spiritual practice in the daily life and work

Hello everyone!

This is Master Mirva

It’s week two into our 6-weeks of year end closing. This week the focus is on amends, making amends. So the invitation is for us to either, meditate and ask for guidance, wisdom and insights, or do soul communication.

Where is it that I at this point in time in my journey can make amends? Many of us need to make amends with ourselves, our own soul, with our own journey. At times, it is appropriate to make amends with others. Who are they? What for? Sometimes there are situations, interactions and relationships that we don’t even realise that amends may be appropriate.

Thus the guidance through the reflection, meditation and soul communication can bring the enriching enhancing awareness and awakening.

I leave you with this note. May it help you on your spiritual journey.

Love you Love you Love you.

Much love and light, 

Master Mirva

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Brings stillness into the busyness

Hello everyone,

Love you Love you Love you.

Did you know that today starts the time period where it is only 6 weeks till the end of the year? 6 weeks left for this year. So last year we did something different.

Last year we applied one of the spiritual principles that our beloved Master Sha brings to us, that to complete the year to close off the year is very important to do with very different awareness, conscious awareness, conscious contemplation, introspection, reflection and assessment to give gratitude, appreciation, do forgiveness practice, celebrate, have appreciation and honour for the journey, for the year and how to then complete and bring closure to that year so as to start anew for the following year.

So the focus is more internal as opposed to, especially in the western world – the focus is going out a lot, energetically, emotionally, relationships, lots of things happening, very busy, sometimes quite intense and perhaps chaotic time.

So when we focus this time of the year on bringing love peace and harmony, embodying that, by singing that, we can bring a different message to this year end period. Additionally for the 6-week period, we have a theme, a focus for each week so we can journey together individually, yet collectively at the same time, to do this in a more conscious, aware way. We can invite anybody and everybody to join us in this focus. This way we can shift and change ourselves, our consciousness as well as anyone who joins in this particular focus.

Here is the message for this week: We start this period with

Focus on anew.
What can I start anew?
What have I accomplished?
What can I renew on my journey?
What can I begin anew?

This is the flow from Heaven for this week, the focus. So you can write those questions down. You can meditate on them. You can ask your own soul or Jesus, Mary, Buddha, God, whomever Saint, Holy Being for guidance. What is their feedback? What is their wisdom? But most of all it is important to connect with your own soul to create that connection with your soul, because we live in the Soul Light era. Soul has the wisdom. The soul has the power to heal and transform every aspect of your life.

I wish you wonderful, peaceful time of the year to close off the year.

Love you Love you Love you.

With much love & light,

Master Mirva

Friday, 11 November 2016

Calm down to peace and patience!

This is a meditation for the emotional body aspect of the Wood element to balance, calm, harmonise the aspects of the emotional body that correlate with the Wood Element.

The unbalanced emotions could be anger, irritability, hopelessness, resentfulness and more. When the Wood Element is balanced, we can feel peace, patience, calmness and more. These are very important qualities to bring about if we are feeling unbalanced.

You can listen to this meditation however many times you need to. At times when you feel angry, when you feel irritated, or when you feel like you just lost hope. When it feels too hard like there is no hope. Hope can be restored.

Take 3 gentle but deep breaths in and out. Allow yourself to fully relax or as much as possible that you are able. Bring your focus, your attention inside, your abdominal cavity from your navel, go directly inwards.

Think imagine, visualise emerald green light inside this area. This light is peaceful, calming, balancing, harmonising. It is dissipating any imbalances in your Wood Element and especially in the organ of liver.

Breathe in and out.
(Soul Song)
May peace be with you .. may peace be with you in your heart and soul ..
Open your heart and soul .. open your heart and soul ..
Release .. open and release .. open and release ..

Allow the body to expand with the light and the breathing. Allow yourself to drop down in the deeper emotions that may be lying underneath – anger, irritability, impatience and more. Allow fear to be released – fear of being judged, fear of being revealed. Fear of being seen for who you truly are, knowing that you are exactly perfect as you are. Release yourself of any judgement. Breathe in acceptance, breathe out any negativity. Breathe in the emerald green light. Breathe out any negativity. Breathe in the green light. Breathe out and it radiates throughout your entire body.

Sink deep in your heart and soul into your very essence and know that the future is bright. There is a way forward. There is hope. The only way is forward. Breathe in and breathe out.

Receive this 1 minute blessing to transform this emotional body aspects further.

Divine Healing Hands blessing for the Wood Element emotional body.

(Soul Song)

Give yourself a message for your liver. Silently repeat:

healthy liver, calm liver, balance liver,
healthy liver, calm liver, balance liver.
I am patience, I am peace, I am balance and in harmony with myself and with everyone.

Hao Hao Hao, to close the meditation.
Hao means perfect, get well. It’s like an affirmation at the end.
You can listen to this however many times you need.

Love you Love you Love you.

Let me know your experience. I would love to serve you more.

With the greatest of love and light,

Master Mirva

Saturday, 29 October 2016

How to have more harmony in the daily life?

Meditation to Create Greater Harmony 
Listen on SoundCloud

This is a meditation and practice to bring greater harmony for any aspect of your life whatever your request is. You can make a request or you can refine a request that you may be aware of to bring greater harmony. When there is disharmony or lack of harmony, imbalances occur. So whether that is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, something in your relationships, worry, fear, anxiety, decision making, ability to trust, have confidence, clarity, whatever it is – now take a deep breath in.

Breathe in rainbow light - breathe out everything that no longer serves you that is in the way of having harmony, in that aspect of your life, in part of your body, whatever your request is. And do that one more time – breathe in rainbow light. Your whole body washed with beautiful shining brilliant rainbow light.

This is the rainbow light of the Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light Ball. It is clearing, cleansing, washing away any negative frequency and vibration.

Relax, let down, expand. I will use my Tao Song as part of this meditation for you.

Master Mirva’s Tao Song … (listen to the audio file on SoundCloud)

Trust yourself, trust in your journey, trust in the Universe, trust in your role on this journey. Allow the Greatest Harmony to arrive.

Release, release, release all that is in the way of harmony’s soul heart and mind, all of your entire being, open your heart and soul.

Greatest Harmony.  Da He Xie  Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony.  Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.
Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.

I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.
I love my heart and soul.

Visualise the rainbow light going through your entire being like a shower washing you from head to toe, skin to bone.

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love Peace and Harmony
Love Peace and Harmony.

Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.

Now join me in singing out loud.

Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.  Greatest Harmony.
Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie.
Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie  Da He Xie.
Greatest Harmony Greatest Harmony  Greatest Harmony  Greatest Harmony
Greatest Harmony brings heart and soul balance.
Greatest Harmony brings heart and soul balance.
Greatest Harmony restores inner peace.
Greatest Harmony restores inner peace.

Visualise rainbow light once again going through your entire body – head to toe, skin to bone to the deepest part of your being, the tiniest matter, every single space in your entire being completely washed, cleansed, cleared, purified, transformed, uplifted.

Take a deep breath in. And do that again.  And one more time. Great!
And to conclude the practice, we say Hao Hao Hao.
Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Hao means perfect, get well, it’s like an affirmation at the end.
We thank our own soul, we thank the Greatest Harmony and the Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light Ball.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

You can listen to this again and again, any time you feel you need it.

With much love & light,

Master Mirva

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Is there a more joyous way to heal, than singing & dancing?

Dear friends, 

I'm so incredibly excited about this new opportunity!

I'm so happy, excited joyous delighted and honoured that I'm able to and allowed to start teaching this training for the very first time and also for the first time here in Australia. And it does not end there! Master Sher will be joining with us here in Australia in person from Canada. It will be her first time to visit Australia! We are so very very happy to offer this training.

You can join us from anywhere around the world as all after training will be on live web cast. This is full length certification training. 

To certify as Tao song tao dance soul healer, you do need to be a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer. However if that is not possible for you at this time, you can still join the program, receive the teachings, learn the most profound and deeply life transforming practices and then progress later for your certification. 

We will have so much joy and fun together. So much will be unravelled and experienced in a very unique way. This will be a truly sacred retreat. 

I am so delighted  to invite you to join us, to join this opportunity for your journey. You will not be the same person after it! You can read more about it below. 

Inviting you with my greatest love light and joy, 

Master Mirva

Soul Song is soul-directed singing. Soul dance is soul-directed dancing. Each is a healing blessing for the singer-dancer. Each is a healing blessing for humanity and all souls. 
The Source is the essence of all creation. Tao Song and Tao Dance bring the Source into form through song and dance as a blessing to all souls. Tao Song and Tao Dance carry the highest frequencies of divine love, forgiveness, compassion, and light to remove soul, mind, and body blockages. 
- Divine love melts all blockages and transforms all life. 
- Divine forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace to all life. 
- Divine compassion boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity of all life. 
- Divine light heals the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies; prevents all sickness; purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body; transforms relationships, business, and finances; increases intelligence; opens spiritual channels; enlightens soul, heart, mind, and body; and brings success to every aspect of life. 
Master Sher and Master Mirva, Worldwide Representatives, Tao Channels and Tao Song Tao Dance Certified Healers of Dr. and Master Sha will lead an extraordinary Tao Song and Tao Dance Soul Healer Certification Retreat. Master Sher is a certified Tao Song Singer and certified Master and Teacher of Tao Song.  Master Mirva is a certified Master and Teacher of Tao Dance. 
This unique program trains powerful soul healers to serve humanity during Mother Earth’s transition through Tao Song and Tao Dance blessings. Tao Song and Tao Dance Soul healers are truly gifted servants of humanity. 
During the Tao Song and Tao Dance Soul Healer Certification Retreat you will learn and experience: 
- How to open your Soul Language, Tao Song Channel and Tao Dance Channel 
- How to release your Tao Song and Tao Dance for healing, blessing, and transformation 
- The significance of the Seven Soul Houses and Tao Song Channel for healing, rejuvenation, and longevity. 
- Tao and The Source mantras to purify and develop the seven Soul Houses for healing, blessing, and transformation of self and others 
- The significance and practices to develop the foundation energy centers 
- Divine, Tao and The Source Blessings to purify your soul, mind, heart, and body 
Everyone is welcome to attend the retreat and receive the training. Singing or dancing experience are not required. 
At the retreat, you will have the opportunity to apply to become a Tao Song and Tao Dance Soul Healer. You will also have the opportunity to become certified as a Tao Song and Tao Dance Soul Healer with advanced soul healing, blessing, and transformation abilities by meeting the certification requirements. 

Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life with Master Mirva Inkeri

What gives meaning to life? Many people look for the longest time for the purpose of their life in this life time – why am I here? What am I here to do? What is my purpose?
When we have purpose for this life, we often feel like our life has meaning. It’s like the purpose and the meaning go together. They are very closely aligned. Purpose is the forward vision, direction that helps you to define what we are doing – how we are doing, what we are doing and more. How we execute this, in what context. Who do we serve is what helps us to feel the meaning of life.
In Master Sha’s teaching, everything is about service. Everything is about serving others. By serving others, we make them happier and healthier.
The purpose of the physical life is to serve the spiritual life – that is eternal. This physical life is. So it is this higher picture, this bigger picture that helps us to feel the meaning of life, how we belong. Where do we belong as an individual to the bigger picture of all of humanity, of all life, including animal souls and nature souls. This helps us to see the bigger picture as well as the smaller picture, or the big universe and the small universe, which is our individual life, in this physical manifestation.
In this workshop you will learn to understand the greater picture, purpose, meaning of life so as to feel how your life, your own physical journey fit into the bigger picture, how to have more purpose, more meaning, knowing where you belong, how you fit or what you can do to increase the depth of your own sense of meaning, purpose and more, for this journey.
You will have the opportunity to receive Divine and Tao blessings to transform shen qi jing blockages that may be challenging you at this time, knowing, feeling, sensing and understanding the purpose of life and the meaning and purpose of your own life and journey.

Register Now: In Person | Via Webcast

Aug 20 

9:00 am - 12:00 pm (GMT +10:00)

83-85 Chandos Street, St Leonards
Sydney, NSW 2065, AU

Honor Fee: $30 AUD In Person | $30 CAD Via Webcast

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Monday, 15 August 2016

Alignment and flourishing of your business

Hello and welcome. This is a special invitation and a message to Wellness Hub members and all of those who have a Wellness business.

I am very honoured and excited to be able to come and meet you on four different occasions in Penrith, Crows Nest, the Northern Beaches, and Central Coast in the next coming few months.

My background is in the corporate world. I work in the corporate world for many, many years. I had spiritual journey alongside my corporate journey, and the physical journey in this physical life. For many, many years I studied different healing modalities, meditation and spirituality.

I met my teacher, Dr. and Master Sha in 2008, and in 2012 I fully merged my business skills, my business career and my spiritual journey, and I personally experienced great alignment in every aspect of my being, in my soul heart mind and body.

The topic that I am privileged, delighted and excited to share with you is the shen chi jing of the business. What does that mean? That’s a 3-Chinese word. They are old words with a lot of meaning - ancient meaning.

In Master Sha’s teaching, shen means soul, heart and mind, which is the consciousness. Then chi is the energy which most people know. Jing means matter. Everything and anything in life is made up of shen chi and jing. We human beings have our own shen chi jing, so does our business. Every company is made up of shen chi jing as well.

The key is to understand what is shen chi jing. What is the soul heart mind, energy and matter of the business, and whether there is an alignment or whether there is a misalignment, or there is perhaps blockages in flow in one of these aspects. And then when we discover where there is misalignment or blockages, what do we do about that – how to clear those, how to bring the alignment.

Master Sha teaches that when we heal and transform the soul first, the mind and the body will follow. He also teaches that everything and anything has a soul. So your business also has a soul. Your business also has a heart and consciousness.

So this is just a little taster, but this is what we will be exploring at this Wellness Hub gathering, that I have the privilege to join you.

I am so excited to meet with you, to get to know you and understand your journey as a person, as an individual, your service - how you bring your service through your business to the world.

I would be so honoured to hear from you if you want to give me any messages on this video before hand, if you have any questions. If you have any thing that you would like me to bring in to the presentation, I would be more than delighted to do so.

I look forward to meeting with you at each of these Hub gatherings.

Everyone with a wellness business is welcome to join. 

Thank you so very much.

with the greatest love and light, 

Master Mirva

Alignment and flourishing of your business

Hello and welcome. This is a special invitation and a message to Wellness Hub members and all of those who have a Wellness business.

I am very honoured and excited to be able to come and meet you on four different occasions in Penrith, Crows Nest, the Northern Beaches, and Central Coast in the next coming few months.

My background is in the corporate world. I work in the corporate world for many, many years. I had spiritual journey alongside my corporate journey, and the physical journey in this physical life. For many, many years I studied different healing modalities, meditation and spirituality.

I met my teacher, Dr. and Master Sha in 2008, and in 2012 I fully merged my business skills, my business career and my spiritual journey, and I personally experienced great alignment in every aspect of my being, in my soul heart mind and body.

The topic that I am privileged, delighted and excited to share with you is the shen chi jing of the business. What does that mean? That’s a 3-Chinese word. They are old words with a lot of meaning - ancient meaning.

In Master Sha’s teaching, shen means soul, heart and mind, which is the consciousness. Then chi is the energy which most people know. Jing means matter. Everything and anything in life is made up of shen chi and jing. We human beings have our own shen chi jing, so does our business. Every company is made up of shen chi jing as well.

The key is to understand what is shen chi jing. What is the soul heart mind, energy and matter of the business, and whether there is an alignment or whether there is a misalignment, or there is perhaps blockages in flow in one of these aspects. And then when we discover where there is misalignment or blockages, what do we do about that – how to clear those, how to bring the alignment.

Master Sha teaches that when we heal and transform the soul first, the mind and the body will follow. He also teaches that everything and anything has a soul. So your business also has a soul. Your business also has a heart and consciousness.

So this is just a little taster, but this is what we will be exploring at this Wellness Hub gathering, that I have the privilege to join you.

I am so excited to meet with you, to get to know you and understand your journey as a person, as an individual, your service - how you bring your service through your business to the world.

I would be so honoured to hear from you if you want to give me any messages on this video before hand, if you have any questions. If you have any thing that you would like me to bring in to the presentation, I would be more than delighted to do so.

I look forward to meeting with you at each of these Hub gatherings.

Everyone with a wellness business is welcome to join. 

Thank you so very much.

with the greatest love and light, 

Master Mirva

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Soul Over Matter - what is possible!

New wisdom available to us!

Hello my name is Master Mirva. I am honoured to be one of Master Sha’s World Wide Representatives. I wish to share today with you about this incredible book called Soul Over Matter

Master Sha wrote this book with a sweet man, a wonderful soul called Adam Markel. He is an incredible professional and an incredible visionary inspirational leader, who runs a successful training company in helping people how to train mind over matter about money - a topic that is often in many people’s minds and hearts and also often high on the fear, anxiety, insecurity scale. 

So this book is a new tool. It offers a combination of the wisdom from Adam as well as from Master Sha and what the Tao Source has given through Master Sha at this time to help to serve billions of people.

I literally drank this book. I inhaled it. I never read books very fast, but this book I read in about 4 hours. I know Master Sha’s wisdom as his World Wide Representative, but how the wisdom has come through in this book, in a new way, in a more subtle way, yet more simple, more powerful, more concrete, and I love how Adam speaks about how companies can serve one another. How about looking after your competitor’s success? How many business leaders talk like that? I just absolutely love it! I could feel his huge heart. It’s just so amazing! I wish for each of you to have a copy of this book. I wish for you to read this because the benefits are incredible. It’s very simple read, very practical and tangible.

I am honoured to be offering the Wellness Hubs here in New South Wales, teachings on the shen qi jing of business. Now what does this mean? I have got some other videos where I talked about the shen qi jing of business before, because everything and anything is made out of shen, qi and jing. We’ve often talked about it or thought about it in the human body but now we are talking about it with your business, with your finances. How about that? And how the alignment can create the greatest flourishing.

I would like to offer you now a blessing, and I would like to offer a blessing with the particular treasure in this book, for you to open your heart and soul, to help to create financial as well as flourishing in every aspect of your life. This would be a silent blessing for 1 minute. I wont turn on my other treasures, that are healing transmissions or I wont sing my Tao Song that I usually offer with blessings also. I am just going to ask this book to serve you.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, relax, open your heart and soul, relax, receive this blessing, as it is appropriate for you at this time to open your heart and soul, to clear, heal and transform blockages that are in the way of you having abundance in every aspect of your life. Open and relax. 

Hao Hao Hao. 
Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Master Sha and Adam Markel will offer a workshop on this book this coming weekend August 5th, 6th and 7th in San Diego. You can also join via live webcast. I invite you to join this training because it will be heart opening, awakening. You will have many realisations and ‘Aha’ moments.

All the details are on DrSha.com - from the home page you will see the banner – click through and register to enjoy this transformational journey of this weekend. Your life could never be the same. Enjoy!

Love you Love you Love you.

with much love and light, 

Master Mirva 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Create a practice for support & nourishment

Create a routine  of practice to nourish your heart, soul and body, to prepare for Winter and build your immunity, increase stamina, energy and vitality. 

Enjoy these recorded sessions that you can follow very simply!

One by one here are the links:

Starting from First Chakra/Soul House - brings the highest healing, opens all of the channels in the body and clear relationship blockages also. 

Second Chakra/Soul House excellent for losing weight, healing any conditions in the large intestine. 

Third Soul House/Chakra a powerhouse for many internal organs, such as kidneys, liver, small intestine, stomach, muscular system and in the emotional body helps to increase courage, strength, fortitude and persistence to overcome challenges. 

Heart Chakra/Message Centre brings the greatest of overall emotional healing, harmony and balance and much more. 

Complete play list for all practice sessions.  

Let me know what your feedback and experience is.  I would love to serve you more. 

with much love and light, 

Master Mirva

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Develop Your Soul Communication & live your life by soul guidance

It is my great honour, privilege and delight to introduce you to a dear friend of mine, Master Ximena Gavino.  She has been on a spiritual journey a long time and a student of Dr. and Master Sha for 15 years. Her extensive corporate career and deep, profound understanding, knowledge and personal experience of Master Sha's teachings make a POWERFUL combination for living a life totally differently.  She shares how opening spiritual channels can bring incredible value to every aspect of life, including daily business, no matter what you business is.  

She is extremely wise, funny and joyful teacher. She is one of our guest teachers at this unprecedented 4 day retreat in Sydney. You can also join us via webcast no matter where you are in the world! 

with much love and light, 
Master Mirva

PS. I look forward to spending these 4 magnificent days with you! 

Monday, 18 April 2016

What to do every day to feel better? Physically, emotionally, mentally and in every way

Here is a powerful practice that you can do every day, morning or night! You can feel better in every way.  I did this myself every single day when I first learnt about Master Sha's techniques in 2008. 

Master Sha teaches it in this book.  look into pages 54 onwards to read about it. 

You can listen to this recording however many times to chant longer. The power is amazing! I love this mantra. I wish you enjoy it also. 

Let me know what your experience was. 

Much love and light, 

Master Mirva 

Friday, 25 March 2016

Message on love & forgiveness

Here is flow teaching and a blessing from this morning (Good Friday) during my live Chanting Channel, tv.drsha.com show on love and forgiveness.  

You can listen to the guided message and receive a blessing to open your heart for fully. 

Enjoy! Let me know what your experience was. 

with much love and light, 

Master Mirva

Transforming Self Love series Part 4, Greatest Compassion with Master Mirva

Master Mirva focuses on Da Ci Bei, the Greatest Compassion
Da Ci Bei has the ability to bring great self healing to transform self love blockages. Experience the powerful practices and receive powerful blessings to heal and transform self love issues and to develop greater self compassion in your daily life. 

Enjoy and let me know your experience and insights! I'd love to serve you more!

with much love and light, 
Master Mirva

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Open Heart and Soul Meditation and Message for You

Allow me to offer a soul message and a blessing to open your heart and soul. 

Learn about spiritual journey and how it coincides and aligns with our phsyical jroueny at this one day intensive session.  Learn about soul and heart intelligence and much more. 

with much love and light, 

Master Mirva

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Celebrate International Day of Happiness with Master Sha on March 20 by watching the video premiere of Love, Peace and Harmony.

Then share the joy with others through chanting, sharing on social media and supporting efforts to increase the happiness and well-being of families worldwide.
We become what we chant: Sing for love, peace and harmony. One song can change the world.

“We become what we chant. Chant and share the message of Love, Peace and Harmony. One song can change the world.http://thndr.me/EViiF8

I love my heart and soul

I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony.

Research has shown that when large groups of people meditate and chant together, it has a powerful positive impact on the social environment of the entire community. We become what we chant, so as we chant to create world love, peace and harmony, each of us is transforming the message we carry within.
Love, Peace and Harmony, which is a song received by Master Sha from the Divine, carries the high frequency and vibration of love, forgiveness, compassion and light. Your body naturally resonates with this elevated frequency, and responds by activating good health and positive outcomes in your life as well as in the world.
Chanting balances your energy, restoring your natural harmony and well-being. Your loving vibration can change the world when you volunteer and provide unconditional service to your friends, family, community and our beloved Mother Earth.
Imagine a world where everyone shares the message of love, peace and harmony.
  1. At the top of the page (on thunderclap) support via Twitter, Facebook or both, and get the word out to your friends and followers to do the same.
  2. On March 20, sing or chant Love, Peace and Harmony for 15 minutes. Invite friends and loved ones to join in, and spread the positive energy. Visit http://lovepeaceharmony.org for more suggestions on how you can make a difference. 
  3. Watch as everyone's messages are simultaneously shared around the world, along with a very special video on Love, Peace and Harmony.
I wholeheartedly invite you to please join to create Love Peace and Harmony on Mother Earth. I personally deeply deeply desire this in my heart.  Don't you? this is the simplest way to make a difference! Click here now to join the thunderclap campaign. It is so exciting!  

with much love and light,
Master Mirva