Monday, 24 March 2014

Follow nature's way

Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri.

I'm very happy and delighted to be here with you today. I am physically in Canada, in the northern hemisphere, and It's the beginning of spring for us. I also lived in the southern hemisphere for 15 years, and I am very connected to and aware that it's the beginning of Autumn for them.

What I wanted to talk about today was; how we approach and view and respond to the change of seasons. How does this relate to our daily business? What happens, very often, I have experienced ... The nature of spring ... The first sun comes out, everyone's happy. You go to the grocery store and everyone's going, "Oh, how wonderful, oh so exciting, oh it's going to be warm again." Day later, two days later, the snow comes back in again. Or rain, or cold, and everyone goes ... Go back into the grocery store and the response is, "Oh, if only the weather would be better." Or, "Oh, it's so cold again, I thought we were going to have warm weather." My response to this is; "This is the nature of spring."

spring is about new beginnings. spring is about new life beginning. Think about the seeds, the little beginnings of a flower. Or, trees coming out with the first leaves. It's hard, it's tough. They have to push through. For example, if the seeds are coming from the ground, they have to push through still cold, still rough, how the texture of the earth is.

The nature of spring is connected to the element of wood, in the Chinese five-element theory. The nature of spring isn't that it's from winter to summer all-of-a-sudden, one night. It's a gradual change. It's a gradual adjustment. New beginnings ... You know? It's like a child learning to ride a bike. There's trials and errors. Or when a child learns to walk. The nature of spring is a little bit similar.

Why do I talk about this in connection to daily business? How often do we have new projects? We launch new products or services, and we somehow magically expect that everything goes perfectly, right away from the start. Maybe we have this? Or, when there are bigger influences, like whole market influences. Or if it's something that is actually related to the season, or the nature, and we sort of get frustrated why something isn't working in the business.

So, I invite you to access your approach, perception, or thinking perhaps ... That is this how you approach some of the work, some of the business? Or are you realizing what is the natural way? What is nature's way? If you are not, then you're pushing against the current. I invite you to access and investigate this and pause. Because when you can align your business to go nature's way, you are conducting your business aligned with the natural laws and principles of all life. That is the way. That is the Tao. When you are aligned with the Tao, when you are aligned with the universal laws and principles. When you're aligned with nature's way ... everything will flow. Definitely more easily and more effectively.

So, this is my thought for the day. I hope you align with nature's way. Align your business, align your service, and your offering, and your customers will be drawn to you.

Have a wonderful blessed day. Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Friday, 21 March 2014

Once a mentor - always a spiritual mother

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.

It's my delight to be here with you again today. Today, I wanted to talk about mentoring and mentors. In my all of my working life, really, and especially my corporate years, I've always had mentors or coaches. I separated those two because part of my training I received technical distinction between those two terms and what they meant.

Specifically I want to talk about mentors today. I want to talk about a beautiful soul who was a mentor for me and still is. My teacher, Master Sha, teaches that once you have a mentor, once a mentor always a spiritual mother or a father. This exquisite soul is my spiritual, one of my spiritual mother still today, she mentored me a lot for a few years, several years, from my early days as a student of doctor and Master Sha.

Really all throughout, her name is Master Marilyn Smith and I'm prompted to reflect upon the gift, the value she has brought for me because last Friday, today is March 19th, and on today is Wednesday, so last Friday she received great spiritual acknowledgment recognition, upliftment is a technical term spiritually. For her spiritual service, service to help others to make them happier and healthier.

The incredible love, kindness, compassion, generosity, and more that I received from her as she many times tenderly held me, I would come to her in our sessions, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes frustrated, sometimes angry, sometimes going I don't know what to do, all of these things didn't matter what I brought into the session. She always honored me, appreciated me, respected me.

She always listened and heard not only me physically but she heard my heart and soul. She held the space for me. Of course, offered spiritual guidance. But a value of this kind of service and relationship is completely priceless. To have somebody who is further along the journey, and it doesn't matter for me, this was ... I'm specifically talking about spiritual mentorship but really I took matters of career, relationship, finances, where to live, where to move, what every door it was.

I took my whole life to her for guidance, for that mentoring, so to have someone on the journey who is further more advance, more progressed in that they have been where you are. They know they can see what is going on and support you, is completely precious, sacred, so incredibly invaluable, there's nothing like it. It's completely irreplaceable. So wanted to share that with you today, because if you do not have a mentor in your life, really think about having one.

Seek for one. Sit down, meditate on it, think about what kind of mentoring would you need, would you like, what kind of guidance would you benefit from at this moment in time in your life. Ask the universe, heaven, Jesus, Mary, whoever to bring this person into your life. They will be honored to serve you, that's how you know that they're the right person for you. They tried to tell you how to fix your life, then maybe they're not a mentor, in that way.

You will know your heart and soul will know when the right person has come. I would be honored to serve you in helping you how to work out, what kind of mentoring would work for you, which you would benefit from. Or where to find a mentor, or how to find a mentor. I would be honored to serve you in this way. I wish you will find one soon or if you have one, I would love to hear from you how it has benefit your life, your business, your career, whichever aspect, share your experience with me.

I would be so honored to share that with you. Have a wonderful blessed day. Love you, love you, love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Master Mirva

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Education Day 13: Sacred Soul Wisdom for Daily Work - Interview

Sacred Soul Wisdom for Daily Work - Master Francisco 01/23 by My Soul Healing Miracles | Spirituality Podcasts

Today I wanted to share with you an interview with two powerful great spiritual teachers. This is a radio show by Master Francisco Quintero. 

His guest is Master Lynne Nysuna.  She has flow a book titled "Bringing soul wisdom to daily work".  This book is a real gem! I love every page when I read it several years ago.  

Listen and enjoy the interview.  The book is an essential toolkit. You can get your own copy here.

Love, light and blessings to your day, 
Master Mirva 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Education day 12: Soul Guided Meditation to develop your mind intelligence to develop your business

Join me in a soul guided meditation to develop your mind intelligence so as to develop your business.  

Enjoy this meditation, including soul guidance through soul song and soul messages

Listen, relax and allow yourself to receive and hear the meditation. 

Reflect upon it. Reflect upon your own experience. Allow the messages to integrate

Share your experience. Share your insights. 

I am honoured to serve you. 

with much love and light, 
Master Mirva 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Education Day 11: Blessing for developing your Mind Intelligence

Hello dear one, 

allow me to offer you a blessing to develop your mind intelligence through this very special treasure that I have received for mind intelligence.  This treasure is from The Highest Source. Thus it generates completely different kind of intelligence. It has very high level power to transform all kinds of mind blockages, such as negative mindsets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego and / or attachments. 

Ask for developing your mind intelligence to develop your business, your daily work and more. 

Close your eyes, sit upright, silently, relax and open your heart soul mind and body to receive this blessing as it is appropriate for you at this time. 

Hao! hao! hao! (Hao means perfect, get well. It is like an affirmation at the end). 
Thank you thank you thank you!

You can listen to this blessing as many times as you like. Every time you listen, you receive further transformation, further healing and further blessings. You can listen to it every morning and start your day in this way. 

Share your experience with me. I'd love to hear from you. 

Much love and light, 
Master Mirva 

Education day 10: Meditation practice for developing Mind Intelligence


Today I wanted to share a practice with you on how to use the Source Ling Guang Calligraphies in this sacred healing took book titled, Soul Healing Miracles. 

This practice is using figure 17 Ling Guang. It stands for Soul Light

If you have the book, put it on your heart. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart houses the mind. This will help to develop your mind intelligence. Ask to develop it specifically to develop your business

Simply listen to my recorded chanting. Chant with me! Allow yourself to relax and go into the condition of the mantra. The frequency and vibration will transform any blockages you may have. Relax. Chant. Enjoy. Benefit!

Share your experience with me!

Love you love you love you. Thank you thank you thank you!

with love and light, 
Master Mirva 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Education Day 9: Relationship with the Divine

Hello, and good morning. This is Master Mirva. 

Today I wanted to share with you about a spiritual concept in my life. Many of you probably wonder and contemplate on this. It’s related a very particular service my teacher, Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha is offering currently. This is a Divine Karma Cleansing service related to specifically with our relationship with the Divine. This is a relationship and a karma that can affect many many aspects of our lives.

Several years ago, probably about 20 years ago, I was at a point in my life where I needed to learn that there truly … like deeply learn, no believe experience, understand and integrate … that there truly is a power higher than myself that is actually in charge of my life. I had a mentor on this topic, and I said to this wonderful lady that, “I cannot even say the word guard.” Her reply to me was, “It doesn’t matter what word you use. It doesn’t matter whether you use the word God, Divine, Higher Power, whatever feels comfortable for you.” She said, “I don’t care if you call it HP.”
This was rather funny for me because it helped me to think about the HP source. I said, “I can do that.” Why am I sharing this with you? It’s because of my karma. I had karma in my relationship with the Divine, with God, that caused me to have that incredible difficulty to even speak the word, let alone trust that there was somebody in charge of my life, which I came to realize were such a grand delusion, but I didn’t know it at the time where I was on my journey.

Today I know very different, and I have gone through many years of purses of surrendering not only my life, but ultimately my will that there is a power greater than myself who is in charge of not only my life, but all life. Through this exquisite service we can all clear our karma with the Divine, and have greater faith, greater trust, that all is well, and all is going to be well in all aspect of our life, including ours.

I wish you the greatest best on your journey to find this relationship with the Divine, God, whatever Higher Soul, Higher Saint you trust in and find comfort in.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The below is my translation of Dr. and Master Sha’s Soul song on the significance on this karma cleansing service. 

With love and light,
Master Mirva

"This karma cleansing is unlike any other karma cleansing ever been offered to any human being before. This will facilitate Tian Ren he yi much easier than ever before.  Humanity has much karma with the divine and all of this will commence to shift as now the gate has been opened by your teacher. The darkness under which humanity has lived so far will start to shift and lighten. Humanity will be able to access a different level of divine light and experience deeper divine love through this new purer connect with all levels of divine, as a result of this karma cleansing. So much heart opening and purification will take place as a result. Many relationships will transform as a result. Much pain and suffering that has been experienced on mother earth and by humanity in all of their relationships will shift, heal and transform as this most important relationship will shift fundamentally.  This is the core of all relationships for every human being. It is a primary relationship every human being has.  All human relationships will be reflected by this quality and depth of ones relationship with the divine first. Humanity will experience much greater love for one and another from now on after receiving this karma cleansing.  This will impact the quality of the spiritual channels and the communication with the divine people has, as there is less karma, communication is easier and the messages are purer and more accurate. Humanity will naturally, organically connect more with heaven. There will be less resistance to spirituality as humanity will understand this is an organic part of all life and all life stems from the divine and divine creation. All life is impacted. All life is transformed as a result of this karma cleansing service. The offering of this service is the greatest love and generosity of your teacher that he has availed this to all at this point in time. This is a significant milestone in mother earth’s and humanity’s spiritual journey. All souls are incredibly blessed as a result. Our greatest love. Hao. "

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Education Day 8 - What to do when you cannot communicate with others?

My name is Master Mirva Inkeri.

I am quite excited and quite fascinated to connect with you today. Today is still my theme on education to join my teacher Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha on his theme on education and mind intelligence. One of my service is that I lead live chanting on Dr. & Master Sha's Soul healing miracles Chanting Channel. Tonight, I was due to connect, but technology didn't support me in a connection tonight. No problem. This is an important aspect, because there are times where we may not, our simply cellphones may not work. Whatever reason, communication may not operate, co-operate function through the technology.

So there is another way that we can connect and communicate that Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha teaches, and that is soul connection. The last couple of days, I have been teaching about that to transform emotional pain, painful situations and so forth. But right now, I am going to do a special connection, because there's over 50 people right now who haven't given up on the Chanting Channel session where I'm supposed to be leading chanting, healing, blessing, and transformation for our finances and business. I am going to upload this video and I am going to send a special blessing to connect with all those people who are on the live Chanting Channel now. Because I am with you on the soul level. I'm going to send this video and you can watch this momentarily.
Here is my blessing for you to connect with you soul to soul, heart to heart.

Soul Song blessing.

I send you my greatest love. I send you greatest light, greatest compassion, and my greatest gratitude for being on the Chanting Channel anyhow chanting, serving, connect with all of the souls who have placed their request, who are asking for service, blessing. Continue your service. I bless you for your service. I'm very honored and grateful to have connected with you anyhow.

Love you love love you. Thank you thank you thank you. Bye-bye. Connect with you very soon.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Education day 7 - Practical technique for transforming intense emotional pain

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Wherever you are watching this from, this is Master Mirva Inkeri. 

It's my great honor to speak to you again today. Today, I have come back to talk about how to transform. This is the "how to" section for transforming the intense emotional pain, relationship, situation, wherever that pain has come from. How to deal with it on a soul level. This is the key. Right to the action. We're going to apply the 4 Power Techniques. We're going to go through them 1 by 1.

I want you to think about the person, the relationship, the situation, a team of people if it was several people and think about the situation. We're going to imagine, visualize or see them with our mind's eye. Do that now. Close your eyes. Visualize them, imagine them or see them with you. Shower them with golden, bright, shimmering light, completely bathing in that light, including yourself. Filled with this light inside and outside. This is Mind Power. The power of this golden light is immense, very very powerful.

2nd one I want you to do is Body Power, which is you place your left hand in front of your heart chakra, your message center, your right hand in front of that hand in a traditional prayer position. This is called the soul light era prayer position and it signifies, enables and facilitates, or helps to facilitate, the communication on a soul level. This is the Body Power. Next is the Soul Power, which is the core, the key to this. I want you to close your eyes and repeat after me, I am going to cover a fairly broad generic soul power to say hello. You can apply and modify to your situation. I'm going to speak it slowly enough so that you can say your own sentences, what is meaningful in your context.

The last is the Sound Power. Sound Power is sacred healing mantras or healing sounds. In this case, we're going to sing Love Peace and Harmony. There are many mantras, or divine soul songs, we could sing. This one is particularly powerful. I'm going to keep it very simple because we did that previously in a Soul Conference section, so we're going to do it again because in Master Sha's teaching, what we sing is what we become. What we chant as a mantra is what we become. In a painful situation, how about becoming the frequencies of love, peace and harmony? Sounds pretty good?

Okay. Soul Power. Close your eyes, visualize yourself and the other people or person shimmering, bathing in golden light. Repeat after me "Dear soul, mind and body". Name the person or people, then we offer love. Say 

                            "I love you. I honor you. I appreciate you. I thank you for the teaching, this relationship, or situation, conversation, interaction, has brought to me. It is providing me deeper insights about myself and what I need to learn. I am very grateful". 

Now, depending on whether you felt the hurt or the other person felt, you would say either way around.

If you have hurt the other person, if they feel hurt by you, you would say

                            "I am most sincerely sorry for the pain, hurt or harm I caused you intentionally or unintentionally in that moment. I am so very sorry. Please forgive me. I will do whatever I need to, to make amends to the situation and to my relationship with you. Please join with me to sing Love Peace And Harmony, to transform this situation. I am so very grateful. Thank you so much".

If they have caused you pain, or maybe sometimes it's both ways, you would say the following: 

                           "I truly understand it was not your intention to hurt my feelings, to cause me pain or suffering. I am grateful for the teaching this has given me through the insights I received, what I'm learning about this situation and about myself. I completely forgive you. I understand you are suffering also. I understand these were not your best words, thoughts, deeds, behavior and intention. I forgive you. I forgive you. Please join and sing Love Peace And Harmony with me. Let us transform everything into pure love and light. For our relationship and for this situation, I am deeply grateful".

Continue to visualize the golden light. Close your eyes and now let us sing Love Peace And Harmony: 

                     "I love my heart and soul,
                      I love all humanity,
                     Join hearts and souls together,
                     Love, peace and harmony
                     Love, peace and harmony". 

And again 

                    "I love my heart and soul
                     I love all humanity
                     Join hearts and souls together 
                     Love, peace and harmony 
                    Love, peace and harmony". 

Continue to sing over and over until you feel different. No time limit. 5 minutes minimum is my recommendation to you. Then you close by saying 

                 "Hao, hao, hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Gong song. Gong song. Gong song".

Hao means perfect, get well. It's an affirmation at the end. Thank you is to thank all the souls who came and all the souls who came to bless you from the heavens, from the saints. Gong song means respectfully return. Because you've called them, you also ask them to return where they came from to join you in this practice. Try it. You must taste the pear if you want to know if it's sweet. If you want to know if this practice works, you need to try it, so do so and tell me what your experience was. I would love to hear from you and help you to use soul power, use this technique, benefit from it, transform your emotional pain, relationships, any challenges you have. I am honored to be of service.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Bye bye.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Education day 6: How to transform & receive relief from intense emotional pain

Hello. This is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Today on education about soul power, I wanted to explore with you sometimes a painful aspect of life. Sometimes in the workplace, in our business relationships, client relationships, business partners, employees, our superiors, our team members, whoever they are, we may feel extreme and/or even acute emotional pain. We may feel incredibly hurt by something somebody said or did or we heard that they have this perception or how they think about us.

Alternatively, it may be a situation where we discover we have hurt somebody else's feelings or we have made a huge mistake by not considering someone in a situation or not considering an aspect of a project or a task or something, and we may have disappointed somebody else, whatever the case may be. Intentionally or unintentionally, someone else may feel hurt or upset, offended, insulted by our thoughts, words, or actions.

What do we do? Sometimes it's not possible to talk to the person physically immediately. Sometimes it's not even best to talk to them directly immediately. The pain or the wound, so to say, or the situation may just feel too volatile, too sensitive, too painful. How do we deal with this? Sometimes the emotion, the pain can feel so overwhelming, engulfing. Do you know sometimes people feel like just this huge void in their chest? It's like, "Ah!" The pain is just so intense and totally immobilizing, distracting our focus for the day.

Most everyone has had moments or days or situations like that. There is a way we can deal with this. We can do something about this before we need to engage on a physical level. I don't mean just going to talk to this person and that person and that person and seeking their guidance how to deal with it. What we can do is what Master Sha teaches, is we talk to that person on a soul level first. Master Sha teaches heal and transform the soul first then the mind and the body will follow.

We can talk to the person's soul. We can also address the soul of our relationship with that person, with that team, with the situation first. We must sincerely and humbly ask for forgiveness for whatever we have done intentionally or unintentionally to cause pain, hurt, or upset. We must completely surrender and ask for their forgiveness unconditionally. Or if it's the other way around, we need to be willing, at least, to do our best to forgive them if they have hurt us. To release it, to just let it go no matter what. No justification, rationalization, debates, nothing. Just be willing to let it go.

These concepts can be the most powerful blessings, tools, and technique for us to quickly turn around and transform completely painful situations and relationships. I'd like you to think about this for a day or so and I will come back and I will teach you how to do this, how to transform this on a soul level first and then we can transform the consciousness and the physical situation and relationship.

Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a blessed day.

With love and light,

Master Mirva 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Day 5 Education: Insights on Soul Conference

Hello, this is Master Mirva Inkeri. 

How are you today? How have you found the two teachings on Soul Conferencing? Have you done it daily? Have you done it at the beginning of your day or at the middle of your day? Have you tried it before meetings? 

The important thing is consistency. Sometimes doing it just once may produce a wonderful result. The key though, in general is consistency over time. I’d like you to make a commitment doing this for about 21 days or 30 days, for one month.

Try it, see what happens for you. What is your own process? What is shifting and changing for you? Pay attention to this, make notes. Also notice what is happening with and for other people. I would love to hear from you. I’m happy to answer any questions if you have questions on how to do this, or what your experience has been when you have been doing this.

Everything transforms on the soul level first. So therefore, especially those relationships that are more troublesome perhaps. They will take longer to change and transform, because our challenges with that person or persons may go beyond this lifetime. Therefore, doing a Soul Conference once or twice just isn’t enough. It requires more effort, more commitment from our side. The key is that we commit to doing this, if we want to have different results than we have had before.

That’s what the Soul Conference is about. It gives you depth and breadth on a different scale than you have perhaps done things before; that you have perhaps managed your relationships with before. It is a different dimension to add to your relationship skills, to your communication skills. It’s a different kind of tool that can make a huge difference. This is the purpose of it.

I would love to, sincerely would love to hear from you. I’m very happy to respond and answer any questions or comments you have. I wish you very best for using Soul Conferencing, creating soul-to-soul connections with all those you interact with, work with and communicate with. 

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a blessed day.

Love and light,

Master Mirva

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Education Day 3 & 4: What is a Soul Conference and how to do it?

Hello everyone. My name is Master Mirva Inkeri.

It’s my great honor to be here with you today. As part of my Education Series I’d like to teach you today on Soul Conferencing. What is a Soul Conference? This is basic teaching in soul power techniques, and thus I wanted to do it at the beginning of this Education Series.

Soul Conference is just like a physical teleconference, for example. Yet, it takes place on the level of the soul rather than seeing somebody physically or talking to them on the phone. Basically it’s the best way to start your day, your working day. You speak to all the people you are going to meet with; you know that you are going to have conversations with, or you need to do work with, whatever the reason is that you’re going to interact with them on any given day.

You are going to speak to them on their soul level first. You’re going to create soul-to-soul, heart-to-heart connection first before you have that physical connection, physical conversation. Why is this important? Because, Master Sha says when we work on the level of the soul first to heal and transform any aspect of it, then the mind and body will follow.

Therefore, even if you have no challenges it prepares the person; it prepares your relationship with them on the soul level to be in alignment first before you have the physical conversation. You talk to them exactly like you would in a physical conversation. You tell them what you need, what you would like, what is the purpose, the task, the project. Key is that you speak with clarity, with love, compassion, care, kindness, also the positive qualities.

It is not a conversation where you reprimand anybody, for example. Or you give them anything that you feel upset about in a negative way. It’s about transforming and preparing the relationship. That is the purpose of a Soul Conference. That’s our little synopsis, what it is.

In the next video I’m going to lead you in how to do one. I will see you shortly. 

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Master Mirva

Hello, this is Master Mirva.

In this video, we are going to do a soul conference. I'm going to lead you through this, you can repeat every sentence after me. This is the best done in the morning before you start working day or you can do it throughout the day for example if you are preparing for a meeting with a number of people.

The key is that you place your hands in the Soul Light Era prayer position. You place your left hand in front of your Message center. You place right hand in a traditional prayer position in front of it because this is the soul communication center, the Message center, which is the heart chakra, that's why we place our hands here. Then you visualize the people in golden light or bright white light and now repeat after me, dear soul, mind and body, and you can tailor this based on what are the people that are applicable to you. I'm going to say quite a few to give you an example.

“Dear soul, mind and body of all my coworkers, of all the team members who will report to me, who work with me, all the project members that I am going to be working with today, all of my customers, clients, vendors, partners, that I will be interacting with today, all of my students, all of my senior management, all my superiors, whom I will be talking, meeting, exchanging emails, having conversations or communication or interactions through any channel of communication. I love you. I honor you. I appreciate you. I respect you. I am very grateful for all the work that you do and have done. I am grateful for all your efforts and all the good intention you put in to deliver good results, good work, and move us forward together. I am very grateful.

Please join me, heart to heart, soul to soul, let us work together in harmony, peacefully, appreciating and respecting each other for our contribution, speaking to and with each other in a loving, kind, and compassionate manner. Let us create alignment to deliver all the work, task and projects we need to, to contribute to the overall whole, to produce the best results for the company, for our customers, shareholders, other stakeholders, and more as well as all other employees, we generate good positive results and outcomes for all concerned. Please join me singing, love, peace and harmony to join together heart to heart, soul to soul.”

 Then you would sing love, peace and harmony like this.

“I love my heart and soul. I love all humanity. Join hearts and soul together. Love, peace and harmony. Love, peace and harmony.”

 And again really open your heart.

“I love my heart and soul. I love all humanity. Join hearts and souls together. Love, peace and harmony. Love, peace and harmony. “

Once more. Further open your heart, offer your love.

“I love my heart and soul. I love all humanity. Join hearts and souls together. Love, peace and harmony. Love, peace and harmony.”

Then we close by saying. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Gong song, gong song, gong song. Hao hao hao.”

 We offer our love and gratitude always. Gong song means respectfully return because we've called their souls. They have come to listen to us. We send them back where they came from. Hao simply means perfect, get well.

Do try this and I look forward to hearing how you found it. What your experience was.
Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.

With love and light,
Master Mirva

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Education Day 2: The Most Important Healing is the Forgiveness Practice.


This teaching on Tao is one of my favourite teachings by my teacher and on the Tao.  It is one of the fundamental teachings on Tao. It is so profound. I cannot hear it enough.  The other is that of karma.  It is so completely profound and fundamental, yet so many are unaware and keep pondering why life is happening the way it is and how to change its flow.  This post by my teacher shows exactly how.  Learn forgiveness practice. Do it daily and miraculous transformation is possible!  


Much love and light,
Master Mirva

READ FULL POST HERE: My Soul Healing Miracles: The Most Important Healing is the Forgiveness Prac...

When a sperm and egg create embryo Tao gives yuan shen which is original soul. Yuan shen creates yuan qi and yuan jing. Yuan qi is original energy and yuan jing is original matter. This yuan shen, yuan qi and yuan jing will join together as a full bottle of oil which is the pre-natal jing qi shen in a newborn. This is what is given to a healthy newborn baby. Then as a baby grows and matures through teenager, adult, senior and more, the jing qi shen is depleted. The oil lamp continues to be depleted because of soul mind body blockages. Soul blockages are negative karma. Mind blockages are negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, attachments and more. Body blockages are energy and matter blockages.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

How to have different kind of intelligence to bring new depth to your work?

Hello, my name is Master Mirva Inkeri.

Today, I want to start an education theme on my blog. My teacher, my spiritual teacher Dr. and Master Sha, commenced at this theme on education yesterday on his website. You can look it up on When I thought about his theme and how it applies to work my message is here on his blog, I realized that it’s in complete alignment. Because my message here is about how to have a different kind, different quality, and different depth to the daily business, daily work, and daily life. How? How to have this difference?

For years, I had a spiritual life, and I had the work life. For years, I felt I have these two separate lives that just did not connect. Today, my message is about how to merge that, how to have this business life, work life different by applying the power of soul. Many business leaders or business people and often very many women look for how to do things differently, how to have a different depth, different meaning to what they do. This resonates very strongly with me because I used to be one of these women. Today, my reality is very different, because today, I apply the power soul every single day, and in pretty much everything that I do.

My blog is essentially about that. I have couple of very particular blog post earlier on last year on that topic. What are the benefits of power of soul? What it is to apply the power of soul in a daily life? I’m going to blog about that for the next couple of weeks. Today, I’d like you to just experience the power of soul, to feel the power of it. I’d like to offer you a blessing, a healing blessing by applying soul power through my soul song. This is a blessing for any aspect of your life, your business, your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, your happiness, contentment, whatever the case may be.

All that you’re required to do is to open your heart to receive this blessing, to experience it, whatever you experience is. Just relax. There’s absolutely nothing you need to do. Simply close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and breath out, really relax. Close your eyes. Blessing begins.

            (Singing Soul Song)

Hao, hao, hao. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hao means perfect, get well. It’s like an affirmation at the end. I would love to hear from you, either your experience from that blessing. There’s no right or wrong experience. Whatever you felt, heard, saw, experienced in your body is all a perfect experience for you at this time. I would also love to hear from you where it is that you would like to learn more or learn how to change the depth of quality or something else of your day-to-day life by applying the power of soul. I would love to serve you, love to answer your questions. Please let me know, and I would be so honored to serve you.

Love you, love you, love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and light,

Master Mirva